A Lose-Lose-Win Deal – IOTW Report

A Lose-Lose-Win Deal

Reports began swirling last night that the U.S. is trying to broker a three-way deal with Israelis and the Palestinians.   We would release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and Israel would release an unspecified number of Palestinian terrorists.

Not everyone involved with this deal thinks it’s a good idea.

Read the story here



18 Comments on A Lose-Lose-Win Deal

  1. The article did not mention a single thing that the Palestinians will do — so the Israelis will release dozens of prisoners for absolutely zero?

    Hopefully they are not that stupid.

  2. “The article did not mention a single thing that the Palestinians will do…”

    I kinda’ figured it was implied in the article that the Palesimians would celebrate by firing automatic weapons in the air and launching missiles at Israel.

  3. He must be one shitty spy. If he was any good the US would have signed him up as a double agent or the puppet masters of our government would have let him “slip out” long ago. He looks like the spy version of the stapler guy from Office Space.

  4. I think its implied that the Kerry and Obama think that this deal will get negotiations back underway. The naiveté of these two is not just embarrassing, its dangerous.

  5. He must be one shitty spy.

    Pollard was very destructive. He passed to the Israelis the US signals intelligence network and other stuff the public will never know about. The Israelis then traded some of that information to the Soviet Union (i.e. What and how the US were able to listen in on the Soviets).

  6. When I heard this I was reminded of trading spies with the Soviets during the Cold War. We are not at war with the Israelis. I don’t think Obama thinks this way.

  7. “..Uri Ariel says people close to Pollard have told him that he opposes such a “shameful deal…”

    Shameful is how this administration operates. This smacks of desperation.

    “…If Kerry fails to convince Netanyahu to go ahead with the fourth and final round of prisoner releases as agreed to last July at the start of negotiations, the Palestinians will renew their efforts to achieve statehood recognition at United Nations bodies, Qaraqi said in a phone interview…”

    Therein lies the need for this desperate act. Obumphuk does not want to have to chose between Israel and the Palestinians in the UN, by having to take a position on the Palestinian statehood request.

  8. The United States is using Pollard as a hostage that will only be freed if the Israelis release Islamic terrorists!?!

    Why is the United States bargaining for the freedom jihadists in the first place?

    Americans have been fighting a war against these assholes for how long now? And the Obama administration is bargaining for the release of convicted terrorists?

    How is this not treason?

  9. Bad idea; Pollard is unlikely to go back to spying, he’s too well known. OTOH, anonymous Palestinian moslem fuckheads are likely to go back to blowing Israeli shit up.

  10. There shouldn’t be a US prisoner release. Who manufactured another misspelled “Reset” button? The Obama administration’s ankles must be bruised from all the grabbing.

  11. Major: I do know who he is. I was trying to make light of the situation because I knew all the “Israel is a great ally” people would start chiming in about his release. For such a great ally they sure get us into a lot of shit.

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