A Lying Dog-faced Pony Soldier – IOTW Report

A Lying Dog-faced Pony Soldier

His speech went global south.

9 Comments on A Lying Dog-faced Pony Soldier

  1. And that asshole surrendered to the people who attacked us on 911 for no reason, even paying a hefty tribute in military equipment, soon-to-be-killed trained dogs, modern facilities, all our munitions and communications hardware and uniforms, and lives.

    All for no reason other than to humiliate America.

    That foul bastard only belongs at a 911 memorial in one way only.

    At the end of a rope.

  2. Jotato is a treasonous, lying, pedo, shit eating, grifting, US hating, obola ass-licking, communist fucktard. Rot in hell, you cocksucker.

    I hope to piss on your grave, and that faggot obola’s.

  3. Dems don’t lie, they just “misspeak” or “misremember” or if they don’t work there is always “what difference does it make now” or in Biden’s case it is mush in and mush out

  4. “There is only one existential threat. And it is worse than this other existential threat.” Makes sense to me.

    He didn’t embarrass the US on the world stage, he embarrassed the US government. The rest of the world knows it was a stolen election and that Biden didn’t really get 81 million votes. At this point foreign governments are going to do what they can to ensure clean elections next year because they know that bumbling idiot is going to stumble the world into that non-existential existential threat and nobody, anywhere will be able to hide. They have come to realize that a strong US is, in fact, better than a weak one. While Trump is a hard bargainer, he is perfectly happy to let you come out ahead in negotiations as long as he does too.

  5. although I understand & agree w/ the narrator’s message … I dunno what it is, but this guy (Andrew) just annoys the krap out of me & I just can’t watch his stuff


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