A Major Backfire – Is the Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank Accounts? – IOTW Report

A Major Backfire – Is the Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank Accounts?

Has there been a massive exodus of capital out of the Canadian financial system?

CTH: A few obscure but interesting data-points seem to indicate Justin Trudeau’s unprecedented use of the federal government and intelligence apparatus to target the bank accounts of Canadian citizens has just created a serious problem for their financial institutions.

If I was a betting person, I would bet half my stake that something very serious is happening in the background of the Canadian financial system, and it appears the leaders inside government, as well as leaders in the international financial community, are reacting and trying to keep things quiet.  Stick with me on this and stay elevated… more

39 Comments on A Major Backfire – Is the Canadian Financial and Banking System in Serious Trouble as a Result of Their Attack on Private Bank Accounts?

  1. Stupid fucks. How could they not predict that this would cause a run on their banks? I’d never put money in a bank that froze accounts over some average person making a perfectly legal donation to some group the asshole fucktard chief executive didn’t like. These idiot banks have done more to promote the future of blockchain currency than any Bitcoin geek could’ve ever done.

  2. I’ve been looking for this ever since the first announcements of bank account freezes and seizures. In a fractional reserve banking system, once a bank run starts it is very, very hard to stop. And if it doesn’t stop by itself the only other way is for the govt to forcibly close the banks for some period of time.

    The costs are not easy to calculate except to characterized as “huge” and “catastrophic” and “it will take years to recover fully”.

    Always keep in mind that “fractional reserve” means “demand deposit FRAUD”. Banks promise to give you your money on demand but don’t have but a few percent of deposits available if everybody decides to demand their money RIGHT DAMNED NOW! Banks and govts wager that a bank run will not happen, but it is a stupid bet that, if the banks/govts get it wrong, it is us ordinary people who end up getting screwed the worst.

  3. Oh Fuck Ya!

    The phones at TD had me on Hold for 45Min & I eventually hung up.

    I now have 1 account with .53 cents, 1 with $0, & one with $84 bucks,
    Still working on my others. Takes time.

  4. No, the RCMP is not really the Canadian equivalent to the FBI. In southern mainland BC, for example, Vancouver, New Westminster, Delta, and Abbotsford have their own police departments.

    Richmond, Surrey, Langley Township, City of Langley, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, and Chilliwack are covered by the RCMP. You had a fender Bender? The RCMP responds. Get a speeding ticket, it is written by the RCMP. Maybe they do some of the things that the FBI does, but it is more that the RCMP is Canada’s local national police force.

  5. As a precautionary measure, the missus and I have been withdrawing large amounts from our US banks.

    The idiot-in-Chief and his flying monkeys have never seen a stupid idea they didn’t like.

    I’ll rest some of my money in the safe for a while.

  6. Kcir, February 23, 2022 at 6:37 pm:

    I closed my TD account in Canada one week before the announcement that Canadian bank accounts would be frozen (or stolen) during the Ottawa trucker situation.

    Had the account since 1999. Took about five minutes in all. They have (or had) an option to leave your phone number for a call back. This was several weeks ago. Can’t remember exactly the single digit number for this from their menu, but you’ll have to experiment with the choices offered. It might still be there.

    Used to really love Canada for the past approx. 50 years when I bought several tracts of land with a combined acreage of 42 acres for around $700 in Ontario around 1971-ish, which I sold some time ago. Now?…Not so much love for the Canadian govment.

    Much luck and God speed. Don’t let a penny slip through your hands before it might even get worse with a bank “holiday”.

  7. Confidence in banking itself should be shattered by Trudeau’s chickenshit impulsive move. Now we see that any bank in any country may be required by its government to freeze or seize accounts without cause, notice or redress.

  8. And don’t forget, that American citizens were required to turn in their gold by May 1, 1933 or would be fined and/or imprisoned. FDR (a DEMOCRAT) signed the executive order prohibiting the hoarding of gold coin/bullion/certificates. What makes you think that the Democrats won’t do the same thing now that so many are investing in gold to avoid inflation (and you can bet that the government won’t give whatever the market price for gold is at the time).

  9. Nothing like taking your shoe off and taking your 457 and blowing off your foot. Sure looks like they consulted team Biden about the best ideas on a major no-brainer screw up. FJB

  10. @DavidW
    My Dad told me the story of my Grandfather coming home from work and finding out my Grandmother had turned in his gold coins that day. He had worked in the San Francisco mint actually building the coin pressing dies and had saved dozens of “proof” coins (first runs) wrapped in gold foil. He was furious!!!

  11. Well, pinch my ass and call me Mabel. Who could have even imagined this would result in a run on banks?

    Good God, these idiots don’t have what it takes to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean hand towel. They wouldn’t even make a decent washroom attendant.

  12. Also remember they started the freeze by using stolen data from Give Send GO. Talk about stupid I can only imagine every foreign entity is pulling money out of their system with how unprofessional they have been.

  13. When they froze the accounts, I said on here that every Canadian should make a run on the banks to bring the fascist government to their knees and crush the banking system. I’m glad to see it’s happening. When someone comes at you with a knife, you blow their brains out with a gun.

  14. Boycott Canadian banks in the US:

    There are a number of Canadian Banks in the US or at least Canadian owned banks like BMO Harris Bank and TD, RBC Heritage. (BMO stands for Bank of Montreal. TD stands for Toronto Dominion Bank and RBC stands for Royal Bank of Canada.)

  15. @jellybean February 23, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    > There needs to be a DEFININATE separation between government and private parties.

    There, already, is. That’s why banks know their enemies.

  16. I agree with the premise of the article, Castro’s bastard son has exposed one of the most insidious cabal tools in the tool box and the stupid little bitch is going to be made to pay.

    The Marxist little cunt laid down a river card that gave away the pot.

    Now even the most insulated Canadian and all the rest of the citizens of the world’s “democracies” understand that there petsonal bank accounts can be seized on a whim.

    The cabal has been busy building a social credit system of the world finance system to control the behavior of corporations and investors they don’t already own.

    As for us peons they were just going to freeze our access to our own accounts.

    Trudy just gave away the game plan and they are pissed.

    They always overplay their hand in their lust for power.

  17. @Jose Bidenx February 23, 2022 at 8:21 pm

    > Now we see that any bank in any country may be required by its government to freeze or seize accounts without cause, notice or redress.

    You ain’t from round these parts? Are ya?

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