Sudan President Bashir under ICC indictment for genocide, yet gets honored.
And what does Bashir think of slaughtering hundreds of thousands? This picture tells you…

And who is his best friend? President Zuma of South Africa! Below is the picture of the two chums in China laughing it up….just a short time after Zuma helped Bashir sneak out of South Africa when the authorities there tried to arrest him on the indictment. Zuma knew and yet helped Bashir escape.
Caption for pic above:
“So then Hillary says ‘You can claim you had no intent'”!
The very reason that the BLM activists make me puke. Self-indulgent, hyphenated morons can take their placards and march where it should make a difference.
Sadly, this contempt for human suffering is more de rigueur than du jour.
(I have no idea what that means, but it sounds kool)
Socialists, totalitarians of every stripe, well … “leaders” in general have nothing but contempt for those who acquiesce to being “led” into whatever Hellish situation the “leader” “leads” them. It appears to be basic human nature that the “strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must” if even only for the aggrandizement of the haughty (see HRC and BHO), to the detriment of entire nations, empires, peoples, and individuals.
Maybe Nietzsche was right … correct.
izlamo delenda est …