A medical tech company that handles billions of records was hacked – IOTW Report

A medical tech company that handles billions of records was hacked

Thanks, 0bamacare!

USA Today-

U.S. health officials urged insurance companies to take immediate steps to ease a digital logjam after a massive data hack that snarled administrative functions for hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and millions of patients.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services asked insurers Tuesday to waive prior authorizations and Medicare’s contractors to accept paper bills from doctors and hospitals. These temporary measures aim to address administrative problems that have emerged from the data hack of an influential company owned by UnitedHealth Group.

On Feb. 21, Change Healthcare, a property of UnitedHealth Group, disclosed that hackers had disrupted operations for the company that processes 15 billion health-related transactions a year. Change Healthcare operates a digital “clearinghouse” that connects doctors, hospitals and other health providers with insurance companies that pay for medical care and authorize medical services. Since news of the hack became public last month, doctors and hospitals have been unable to bill for some services and patients have had trouble picking up prescriptions. more here

15 Comments on A medical tech company that handles billions of records was hacked

  1. When filling out New-Patient questionnaire receptionist was not happy with Date of Surgery answer ‘middle of 2018 or something like that.’ “I NEED TO KNOW THE EXACT DATE!” “Oh, uh, sorry. July 4th, 2018.” “IT SAYS RIGHT HERE JUNE 19TH!” “Well if all that information is already online, why are you raggin on me?” Turns out that wasn’t the right answer either.

  2. I believe this has been going on for over 6 weeks. I get a prescription of Norco every month and the last refill I had to stop by their office and pick up the hand written prescription because it’s a narcotic they can’t fax it or email it. It needs to go through some specialized electronic delivery system. At that time I was told the system had been down for 6 weeks.

  3. That’s me, I hope the VA doesn’t care if they get paid from my insurance co. the government doesn’t care about urinating tax dollars to unknown invaders. What about me getting some? Going to the VA ER tomorrow for back issues I hope they fix it without cash up front. I hope they don’t look at my voting record. Chit.

  4. Brad

    Norco is some tough stuff, hope you’re not driving much or used to it now. I had to take it for a while, and finally got them to switch me to Tramadol, it’s a lighter painkiller but it leaves you alert. it’s also not in the same class, and easier to get.

    it can still be addictive but it’s not a zombie drug like Norco. Hope ya get where you don’t need it.

  5. Truckbuddy

    I’m one of those people it barely effects. It just takes the edge off. That’s about it. Chemo didn’t help my Kidneys much so Anti-Inflammatories are out.

  6. Both my wife and I had our records hacked.
    Already had the credit bureaus freeze my info from the last time they were hacked. The best thing for us would be to get rid of all these credit bureaus and have the local banks decide if your credit worthy or not.


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