A mobster’s story about the FBI – IOTW Report

A mobster’s story about the FBI

Boston Herald/Howie Carr :

Carr: Mobster’s life tells real story of the FBI

Peter Limone, a Mafia soldier from the North End who just died at the age of 83, spent 33 of those years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit — because he was framed by the FBI.

Think about that the next time you see some talking head on TV pontificating from Washington about how the FBI is the world’s greatest law enforcement agency blah-blah-blah.


Think about Peter Limone, and his three innocent co-defendants, Louie Grieco, Henry Tameleo and Joe “the Horse” Salvati. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity — yeah, right.

Not only did the FBI know Limone et al. weren’t guilty, they also knew who the real killers were. The morning after the hit on Teddy Deegan in a Chelsea alley in March 1965, the Boston FBI sent an “airtel” memo to J. Edgar Hoover naming the real triggermen.

But one of them was Joe “the Animal” Barboza, the first hood in the Witness Protection Program. Barboza wanted to take some Mafia guys off the board, and so did the crooked agents in the Boston FBI.  MORE HERE

14 Comments on A mobster’s story about the FBI

  1. About 10 years ago we had the FBI, the investigative branch of the DOD and the U.S. Attorneys office in our shop for about a year and a half getting the goods on a couple ass hole engineers we were dealing with. After they got what they were after the FBI guys show up and wanted us to build parts for their Model Train Club. For free of course. My only exposure, but I wasn’t impressed.

  2. A bit OT.
    I’ve recently become hooked on various podcasts, I can listen as I’m fiddling around with other things or wide awake at bedtime.
    This particular one is called Crimetown on Gimlet. It’s a true story about the mob (Raymond Patriarca) and city govt (crooked) Mayor Vincent “Buddy” Cianci of Providence RI.
    The cast of characters is identical to the movie Wiseguys and its amazing his mobbed up this city was.
    If interested, hopefully you can access from one of these links or I’m sure they’re other methods if you Google it.



  3. For a just society the law must apply to everybody equally.

    That’s what our constitution says and guarantees. Sadly it was written when slavery existed in the country as a great evil – but eventually that was set right.

    All lives matter not just FBI lives, BLM, or White, or LBGT what-ever. God loves each of us so much that He sent His one and only (unique) son so that each of us could be reconciled to Him in His perfection.

    While we will never be perfect in our making all lives equal our hearts are changed if we allow Jesus to change them one day, one person, one instant to another.

    It is a tragedy to me that an agent of my government would be so corrupt as to take the precious life time of another person unless it was a true adjudicated punishment.

  4. The same goes for me Browned Eyed Girl. My own personal experience tells me that the entire agency is filled with utterly corrupt people regardless of what city they happen to be located in.

  5. Unrestrained cops are probably the greatest threats to Freedom and Liberty that exist – think KGB and/or Gestapo and/or NSA and/or FBI.
    These people trample our rights, murder our citizens, destroy reputations – all with total impunity.
    Even when caught, the individuals involved suffer no consequences – the blathering bullshitters just want to “make sure it never happens again.”
    The guy who murdered Randy Weaver’s wife is still free.
    The guy who murdered Lavoy Finicum is still free.
    The guys who murdered 87 men, women, and children at Waco are still free.

    And we’re “torn” about it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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