A Moving Look At The Lone Kurdish Sniper Fighting ISIS – IOTW Report

A Moving Look At The Lone Kurdish Sniper Fighting ISIS

DailyCaller:  A moving film about a sniper fighting the Islamic State in Syria gives an intimate glimpse into his lonely and at times brutal life in the city of Kobani.

“Snipers like to be alone,” he says in the Journeyman Pictures film, which follows him as he gets a haircut, walks through the ruins of the city seeking his next vantage point, bonds with a group of children, and considers haunting memories of the people he has killed. He’s a Kurd who goes by Haron Ayaz.

“IS attacked our country,” he says. “That’s when I decided to go to Kobani to defend it.
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6 Comments on A Moving Look At The Lone Kurdish Sniper Fighting ISIS

  1. What an amazing person.
    Think of how many stories of resistance there might be.
    Think how differently things will be under a human and humane president instead of the reptilian faux president obama, who will sink into his self created cesspool.

  2. It is absolutely criminal that we are not arming these people to the teeth. They are some of the toughest and most motivated fighters on the planet. January 20th can’t get here fast enough.

  3. they’ve fought the Turks & Ottomans for centuries
    they’ve fought the Persian for centuries
    they’ve fought the Sunnis for centuries

    they deserve our respect & our support

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