A Natural Beauty – IOTW Report

A Natural Beauty

[click] —-> Who’s that?

h/t Brad.

41 Comments on A Natural Beauty

  1. SNS, wow. Thanks. Yes she a member of the club. Classy sexy women. Everyone mentioned above plus others. How about Joey Heatherton? How about Barbara Eden? These women could be over the top sexy, and still be ladies.
    Just want to say Irish is doing some really good stuff. Fun to visit.

  2. PHenry
    MARCH 5, 2021 AT 10:01 PM

    …further down that thread, BFH treats us to a spoof commercial he animated in which you can hear Admin Girl’s voice. She sounded as good as she looked.


    …she was gone before my time.

    Kinda wish she hadn’t been…

  3. I’m going with Sophia Loren too. When I was a kid, I thought she was exotic and wore sooo much makeup. But this eyeliner is quite reserved by today’s standards. She probably doesn’t even have a tattoo…

  4. My 81 year old Dad has a HUGE poster of her in a very wet blouse and pointing in both directions (different scene from the first picture) right behind the desk in our HVAC office.

    People personally deliver stuff to our office just to “shoot the shit with my old man” & check out Sophia!

  5. I think Jayne Mansfield attended my first CPAC attendance. Or maybe one of the other lookers from the day. Jane Russell perhaps.

    Also in attendance? Art Linkletter. I remember walking down the hall next to him and nearly had to sprint to keep up.

  6. There is obviously beauty there. Normally we say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this case I would ask who is the beholder of this eye?

  7. Well boys, I gotta be honest. My first stop in the morning is at Mike Miles place. 90 Miles From Tyranny. He may need to rename his sight. 90 Miles mystery box just might be the best thing on the webb. And if you don’t set your alarm at midnight to catch it, you might be a fag.

  8. Watched a video once. Of a woman throwing some sort of facial creme into the trash because the manufacturer went total libtard. She belongs in the above category too.

  9. She’s still an exotic beautiful at eighty something – 86 yrs. to be exact.
    She’s starring in a 2020 movie, “The Life Ahead”, about a older Italian woman and her friendship with an immigrant orphan black kid in Italy;

    https://youtu.be/a0ejncDxgCc .

    It’s a tearjerker, but looks well written and acted. The movie was directed by her son in 2020.

  10. “…Well boys, I gotta be honest. My first stop in the morning is at Mike Miles place. 90 Miles From Tyranny…”

    @Brad – okay…mMaybe second or third after IOTWr?

    BUT I go there for the great reads though as well…

    Uh boy…

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