A new app called “Block The New York Times” allows Twitter users to block 800 corporate journalists for free – IOTW Report

A new app called “Block The New York Times” allows Twitter users to block 800 corporate journalists for free

…with just one click, in the “fight against disinformation.”

10 Comments on A new app called “Block The New York Times” allows Twitter users to block 800 corporate journalists for free

  1. ot: I just don’t care any more. I’ve stifled myself a few times in the last month or so, holding back on what I truly want to say on line.

    I reached a point this morning in that I just don’t care any more.

    I don’t want to live in a prison nation where my every word, thought, and deed is held up for proof of compliance or non-compliance. If that means someone’s gonna come knocking on my door, so be it. I will NOT kneel to the Communist regime. I will NOT denounce my faith in Jesus Christ. I will NOT give quarter to tyrants and bullies.

    I’ve lived a good life. Now I’m mature, cantankerous, and angry enough to resist it all.

    God bless America. God bless true Americans. God save our nation. God DAMN the cabal of evil doers in DC.

  2. flip; I keep trying to back off of internet trash, but keep going back thinking something has changed. I seem to feel addicted. But I am slowly, finding other interests that I have some control over.

  3. Not on the tweeter, any insta-somethings, or clicking toks. It would drive me insane to be continuously updated, aka, annoying and interrupting distractions to my peace of mind. Silence can be golden.

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