A new COVID treatment? – IOTW Report

A new COVID treatment?

American Thinker:

By James Stansbury

Nearly a year and a half has passed, and over 618,000 COVID-19 related deaths were recorded in the U.S. alone, and finally the FDA released an emergency use authorization for REGEN-COV, a new drug that was undergoing testing in 2020 (pre-Biden).  It is now an early treatment option for primary care physicians.  Until this point, the only authorized COVID-19 treatment my family doctor had per the July 2021 update to NIH guidelines was recommend quarantine, wait until symptoms go away, or report to a hospital if they get worse.  It is noteworthy that these updated guidelines continue to name hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a prohibited drug, but it should be no surprise, considering that a war on HCQ began soon after President Trump dared to recommend it.

However, REGEN-COV is no simple take-home medicine like the familiar Tamiflu frequently prescribed for the seasonal flu.  For example (in the “old days” that ended in March 2020), my wife and I both caught the seasonal flu.  Our doctor immediately prescribed Tamiflu and azithromycin because he knew that a delay of even a few days would make Tamiflu less effective.  REGEN-COV is similarly recommended only for early use before severe symptoms can develop.  

Once the initial surge of COVID-19 cases and deaths started in March–April 2020, the seasonal flu magically vanished along with Tamiflu despite some early indications that it works on COVID.  MORE HERE

14 Comments on A new COVID treatment?

  1. Still not getting jab. Be careful of narratives to try to get you rolling your sleeve up. Maybe a few light bulbs going on in your head warning you isn’t enough. Dunno…what will this jab bring to overly confident people? BTW, my daughter got the J&J jab and I’m sick about it. This is the vaccine being questioned:

    Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to reveal the findings of German physicians that examined the blood of multiple inoculated patients, and the results are HORRIFIC!


  2. Our vaunted medical mavens never did any serious work on a treatment or cure for the Chinese bug but sure did push flimsy masks and talking from a discreet and measurable distance!

  3. Just another way for Big Pharma to make obscene profits off of covid while continuing to suppress cheap, proven therapies. But if it takes the air out of the push for forced jabs, I guess we’ll have to give the devil his due. However, if they keep pushing jab mandates AND Regeneron, we have to let the know they can’t have their cake and eat it, too.

    But I think they see that forcing the jab is going to cost them dearly, so hopefully they’ll make a better withdrawal from that than Biden did from Afghanistan. Low bar, I know.

  4. Started Ivermectin 8 months ago. 12mg once a week after the initial does and 48 hour repeat. CV19 free and have been exposed numerous times. I was even contacted by Tracers to warn I had been exposed. Cost me $1.73 per tab.

  5. “However, when the delta variant arrived, it appeared more resistant to HCQ”


    Appeared according to who…WHO?

    I think the author of this article means well, but…hmmm…

  6. Just go to the feed store and grab you a bottle of cattle ivermectin injection. Then go to the pharmacy and grab you a bottle of zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.

    I do it at 1cc once a week as a preventative. Mix it with orange juice I’ve found it’s the best to cut down on the bitterness.

    A friend of mine was feeling sick and tested positive for covid, he did it at 2cc a day for 5 days, after the second dose his symptoms were gone.

  7. There are stories out today about Moderna seeking FDA approval for their CCP jab and it being the first approved med they submitted.
    When I see the lies told by the FDA and CDC paper pushing morons I don’t trust any of them.
    Those 2 agencies could have helped save thousands of lives if they had been honest and not bought out by big pharma.

  8. They’re gonna train people to take whatever “vaccine” they’re ordered to take, and then, sooner or later, one of those shots is gonna kill billions… Oops… Sorry.

    This has Agenda 21 in all its demonic glory written all over it.

  9. I would caution against Ivermectin (paste) used by veterinarians. Currently the recommended dose (pharmaceutical tablets produced for humans) is based on body weight.
    Even the doctors at FLCCC.net (Kory and Marik) have stated the mg based on human body weight is a guesstimate based on their patients (as well as other countries) trial/error usage/results.

    Further, disregard twitter/reddit self anointed “experts” advising ordering from amazon or your local tractor supply. This gives dissuaders of IVM more fodder. FLCCC.net has a list of doctors who’ll prescribed by state(s). I used their list and got a script, of which I took prior to travel, otherwise I’m in good health, have taken their recommendations of supplements for approx a year now and only take IVM if I’m in an environment I believe to be suspect for exposure.

  10. Anon.
    IVM 1.87% is dosed at 0.2 MG/KG no matter whether it’s Stromectal, (the trade name used for scabies in humans) or Zimecterin (horse de-wormer paste) for ANY animal from gerbils to humans to elephants.
    Many people value their pets more than their own family, so, the quality of animal drugs is as good as any for humans.

  11. IVM will be vilified regardless of anything you, I, or anyone else says because of the last paragraph of the Emergency Use Authorization obtained for the highly untested, experimental gene editing therapy most ignorant “experts” call a “vaccine”.
    It states the last, most important requirement for the EUA:

    “There is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”


    When all is said and done, by depending on the jab to tamp down the effects of the virus, all we are doing is sending those viruses to school where they enter the jabbed, replicate, mutate, and are expelled to cause more damage than their ancestors, thereby requiring more and more booster jabs.
    A sort of Gladiator school for viruses.
    The only true end to this merry-go-round of jabs is true im munity realized by becoming infected and using the immune system that God gave you to stop the virus.
    IVM, HCQ, Monoclonal antibodies, and other therapeutic protocols will help lessen the effects, but it is your fabulous immune response system that will git-er-done.

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