A New Intellectual Froglegs Is Here! In Their Head: Trump Vs The Media – IOTW Report

A New Intellectual Froglegs Is Here! In Their Head: Trump Vs The Media

hill clinton

IF: Sorry for the delay, but a funny thing happened when I was on my way to publish this episode last Friday… I had a heart attack. But I’m back, and as Johnny Winter so eloquently put it— I’m still alive and well.  So, I hope you’ll pardon the short summary.

My friend (and identical cousin twice removed) Kevin Jackson of the Blacksphere is my guest for this episode.  We always have some fun.

Anyway, Washington DC is up to it’s eyeballs in corruption…..and they ARE the media.

Mysterious DNC related deaths… Our president sends $400 Million in CASH to Iran… and on and on—-And the media yawns.  This is where we are folks…

All the while… our corrupt government machine continues to drive us over the cliff and setting fires on it’s way.

To sum it up—-We cannot lose this one.    WATCH

13 Comments on A New Intellectual Froglegs Is Here! In Their Head: Trump Vs The Media

  1. I once dated a girl named Algora Stint, she had three legs and only one was the same length…she could knit too!….then, last fall she fell down and it became more honorable to just call her ‘Algora Seat’….

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