A New Study Could Spell Trouble For The Future Of Wind Energy – IOTW Report

A New Study Could Spell Trouble For The Future Of Wind Energy

DC: Wind energy resources have been in sharp decline in regions all across the world, according to a study conducted by Chinese researchers.

After analyzing data from more than 1,000 weather stations around the world, a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that 67 percent had witnessed an extensive decrease in wind power potential over the course of nearly 40 years. The team — which also induced a researcher from Purdue University — reached their findings after examining the changes of wind surface speeds from 1979 to 2016.

“The results show that surface wind speeds were decreasing in the past four decades over most regions in the Northern Hemisphere,” the study’s authors wrote, according to a Greentech Media report on Wednesday.

Around 30 percent of locations in North America have witnessed a 30 percent drop or more in available hub-height wind power. Sites in Europe were worse, where about 40 percent experienced a similar decline. However, the effect was the most significant in Asia, where around 80 percent of sites on the continent saw a 30 percent drop in wind. 

It’s not immediately clear what is behind the decline of wind across the Northern Hemisphere. Dr. Gang Huang, a corresponding author of the research, revealed to Greentech Media that they are currently performing a follow-up study to help determine possible causes.

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Well, duh! That’s because of global climate change warming and big oil!11!!

30 Comments on A New Study Could Spell Trouble For The Future Of Wind Energy

  1. Ever heard of the “urban heat island effect”?
    That’s were the weather stations used for climate studies for decades were slowly surrounded by cities with buildings, and power generation plants and paved roads. The result is localized temperature increases that render the stations useless.
    I bet the same situation exists here. Somebody built tall buildings in front of their anemometers (wind speed measuring device).

  2. @Bad_Brad – I’ve always thought that we could get an awful lot of essentially free energy if we would simply put little generators on the right arms of adolescent boys. (OK, some are lefties, but I’m sure you get the idea!)

  3. wait a minute…. my bil who used to drive a tractor trailer, wanted me to develop tiny windmills atop his rig that would replace the energy that he was burning driving shiite across the country…… I wanted to help…… really!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Maybe the Chinese researchers are assuming that the earlier wind speeds given were accurate, and not inflated to push a fraudulent, unrealistic wind power agenda thirty years ago. I make no such assumptions anymore regarding politicized science.

  5. The best source of energy is Solar.
    Solar energy turned into plant material
    For millions and millions of years the sun warmed the Earth and gave it rain with its power over the climate, and gave the plants the energy they needed to grow the mighty forests.
    The forests laid down their remains in such great abundance over the eons that great seas of their essence were one day trapped far below the surface.
    Immense pressures and heat turned them into something else. Something wonderful.
    A highly concentrated energy source born and powered directly by the sun.

  6. Solar panels are not an answer either. Between the raw materials needed to make them, and the disposal of the panels at the end of their life cycle any honest environmentalist would agree that it’s not a viable solution.

  7. Must say if all the suggestions presented here in this thread were implemented, free energy for all!
    If only the ‘butterfly effect’ had not had Kelso star in it. His previous role was in ‘Dude, what’s my talent?’
    The girls farts thing should no longer be a socially unexceptionable issue.
    First hand knowledge, she did not make it,,,,

  8. This windmill and solar hogwash falls into the same category of junk science. Remember when from top audio magazines suggested you take a green sharpie pen and color the circumferance to prevent the lager beam form bouncing around and redjucing the sound quality of the disc? NONSENSE! Oh, how about digital ready headpnoes and speakers. Some people will fall for anything.

  9. Windmill break-even? Let us not forget the cost of making the metals, transporting it to the manufacturing site for the giant windmills, transporting the windmills to their final site, assembly, wiring it to a grid, (I say final because they seem to fall into fatal disrepair on a tight schedule, so many might never be moved, just buried to return to the earth!), and otherwise the reclamation expense. Somewhere along the line there are maintenance costs, –a fuse might need replacing or say a blade pitch adjustment mechanism could corrode into uselessness.

    Glad I resisted the urge to get a few next day Amazon Prime!


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