A Pack of 13-Year-Old Boys in New Jersey Renew Faith in Humanity – IOTW Report

A Pack of 13-Year-Old Boys in New Jersey Renew Faith in Humanity


Usually when a story begins with “a pack of 13-year-old boys,” you are prepared to shake your head in disgust at the story about to unfold. But in this case, you better break out the tissues because in New Jersey we find a story that will renew your faith in man.

The media often focus on the worst examples of humanity out there. But this time we get a heart-warmer after the story of 13-year-old Gavin Maves of South Brunswick, New Jersey, began going viral.

Last Tuesday, Kristen Braconi brought her autistic son Carter to a local South Brunswick skate park to celebrate his fifth birthday. But when the protective mother saw a band of 13-year-old boys running into the park, she was alarmed and prepared to whisk her vulnerable little one right out of the place.

“The bigger kids started showing up, and Carter kind of said, ‘Oh no,’ and he thought he was going to have to leave, because, you know, he’s little, and he thinks that bigger kids don’t always want to play with little kids,” Braconi told the media.

But instead of starting trouble, young Gavin approached little Carter and began playing with him, helping him use his little scooter, and letting the boy try out the older kids’ skateboards.

Soon, the whole band of boys was laughing and palling around with little Carter as if he were king of the park, and at one point, even broke out singing “Happy Birthday” to the small boy. And Carter’s mom caught the whole thing on video. more

9 Comments on A Pack of 13-Year-Old Boys in New Jersey Renew Faith in Humanity

  1. I help serve dinner once a month at a short-term housing for single parents that is affiliated with our church. The main reason I go is to play with the kids – we usually end up playing tag on the jungle gym but other games as well. I love that there are kids ranging from 2 to early teens, all playing together and with the older kids looking out for the younger ones. It is natural for them to act that way. Makes my day, once a month.

  2. Plenty of kids can be rotten little bastards, sure. But plenty of kids can be really nice too.

    My own experience growing up within my family was proof enough of that. Half of my brothers were good and half were horrid.
    The media just likes to focus on the negative because that’s what gets the most viewership. Sick yet so true.


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