
… well, at least it will make you feel sick.


Wind power is certainly a major global industry but it’s only producing in the order of 1.4% of the world’s total electricity. And solar is so pathetically low that it needs to be bundled up with “tidal and wave” power to even register at 0.1%.

After my rented home had $10,000 worth of solar panels installed, my electricity bill went up by 15 per cent and the panels need cleaning every month!

There are 61 operating nuclear power plants operating in the US. There are 444 in the world with another 60 under construction. In the nation most suited to nuclear power, good ol’ Australia, there is none and not one is under construction.



  1. Coal is the best source of power.

    Disclaimer — worked for a major US energy company many years ago and know first-hand that “alternative” sources are not viable.

    Shut up libtards and the media you rode in on.

  2. They are pushing solar around here as if it was crack cocaine. Fucking dummies fall for the bullshit every time… almost every time. Sean came by a few weeks back and asked me what I thought about getting solar shit. I told him it was a fucking scam.

    “But they are really installing the shit…”

    “I know Sean… but it’s just like vacuum salesmen — if you weren’t in the market for a vacuum you certainly shouldn’t buy THAT motherfucker’s vacuum. He’s a louse, and his vacuum is an overpriced piece of shit. Same with these solar clowns. THEY are the ones gonna get the money, not YOUR silly ass…”

  3. I was going to buy a house then I saw the back roof was covered in those
    damn panels. I got back in the car and left. The agent thought the panels would
    sell the house. No thanks.

  4. Every couple of years they try to push these monstrosities to be placed our Jersey Shore line. Every time, we say hell no! People need to know the facts about the cost/kwh these things produce.

  5. Lazlo does a lot of driving in his business (land Pirate)
    I think a move toward miniaturization would serve the Wind business well.
    Instead of one 200 FT tall bird smacker in a giant field, put thousands 3 inch turbines along the existing power lines and roadway fences
    I would dump solar altogether, and put all that money into building systems to harvest lightning.
    Solar uses way too much silver in a manner that cannot be retrieved easily making recycling expensive on a panel with a nine year life span.
    If lightning can be harvested it will be a passive collection method (a lightning rod).
    The lightning rod will not knock the Symbol of America around, because it was invented by Benjamin Franklin and is approved of by the Founding Fathers.

  6. A can of whale oil from the 1700s would still generate more power than a solar panel would over the course of 20 years and 5 battery replacements.

  7. @Lazlo – Small wind turbines don’t work well. When you double the size of the rotor, the output goes up significantly (it’s either squared or by a factor of four, I can’t remember which). Also wind speeds are much higher at 100 ft. and almost double at 200 ft. compared to ground level.

    I have no problem with wind turbines. I think they look pretty cool. People say they are ugly, but you know if they were natural formations, the same people would say they were beautiful.

    I do however, have a problem with the government subsidizing them. Let them sink or swim on their own financial merit. Taxpayers payers should not be burdened by financing unproven technology. The private sector is much more efficient at developing new technologies than any government ever could be.

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