A Pattern of Behavior: Sexual Misconduct by UN Peacekeepers  – IOTW Report

A Pattern of Behavior: Sexual Misconduct by UN Peacekeepers 

Conservative Daily-

A Pattern of Behavior: Pedophilia Rape and Sexual Misconduct by UN Peacekeepers Require the United States to Immediately Withdraw From the United Nations.


A distressing pattern of behavior within the United Nations (UN) Aid Deployments worldwide.  Peacekeepers deployed in various countries have been accused of engaging in sexual abuse, rape, and exploitation of women and children in exchange for food or support then leaving marginalized, stigmatized women and numberless fatherless children in their wake. 

The Evidence:

Prostitution increased in the Congo, Cambodia, Mozambique, Bosnia, and Kosovo after the deployment of UN and NATO peacekeeping forces. Instances of abuse in Cambodia led to HIV/AIDS and other diseases spreading among the local population.

In a 1996 UN study, the arrival of peacekeeping troops was associated with a rapid rise in child rape/prostitution ring in six out of twelve countries studied.

Internal Canadian government documents from 2016 suggested that the UN has deficiencies in tracking and prosecuting peacekeepers accused of exploitation and sexual abuse. Only a small fraction of cases may be reported.

For Years, UN peacekeepers, their high-level commanders and other ‘personnel’ from around the globe operated a child sex ring, and came to Haiti for sex with boys and girls as young as 12. The peacekeepers lured children with candy and cash. In Haiti alone, more than 300 children have come forward in the last decade with these claims. more

17 Comments on A Pattern of Behavior: Sexual Misconduct by UN Peacekeepers 

  1. 8 straight years ronny tried to stop taxpayer funding UN. 8 straight years liberal Bob stymied Ronny!

    Reason # 4 or 5 why I did not vote for Dole. NO REGRETS, NO REMORSE!

  2. The UN is a “progressive” institution through and through. Therefore it’s reason for existence is to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  3. We have a pedo in the White House. We have pedos infesting our schools and media (hi, Hollywood). Do we all get that pedos work very hard to put themselves in the highest places and offices on earth (almost always homosexuals) so they can get protection while they molest children?

  4. If the Dems win in 2024 (good possibility since they are still cheating and the GOPe doesn’t seem to care) then you can bet UN Peacekeepers will be brought in to pacify the evil MAGA Republicans.

  5. Bored, hostile, armed Alpha males from countries where they are taught that women are worthless and that the only classes of people are predators or prey go to other countries and act like women are worthless and unarmed people are prey.

    You cannot be surprised when this happens.

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