A Politically Incorrect Guide to Christmas – IOTW Report

A Politically Incorrect Guide to Christmas

How to bring Christmas cheer to all the far-Left grinches you may encounter



Ah, Christmastime. The enchanting lights; the sweet scents of pine, cinnamon, and clove in the air; the joyous times spent with family and friends — it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

But Christmas also happens to be a wonderful opportunity to irritate liberals, those perennial grinches for whom the holiday and all that comes with it are a form of kryptonite.

It is obvious that the far-Left dislikes Christmas — a lot — and has long waged an aggressive war against it. The cultural poison of political correctness crept in like — as Donna Brazile would say — a thief in the night. “Merry Christmas” became the insipid “happy holidays,” while Christmas vacation became “winter break.”

It’s hardly surprising that the Left went after Christmas with such zeal — the holiday does, after all, celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and bears his name. Its purpose, customs, and traditional prominence in our culture are for liberals an uncomfortable reminder of America and rest of the West’s fundamentally Christian character.

So what better way to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year than to rub it in the noses of anti-Christian cultural Marxists everywhere? It’s easy, wholesome fun for the whole family! Just follow these simple tips, and you and your loved ones will be sure to have a politically incorrect Christmas — perfect for keeping the progressive forces at bay.

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8 Comments on A Politically Incorrect Guide to Christmas

  1. Great ideas. Funny thing is some of these libtards still expect you to dish out a gift or a freebie of some kind for them. Last year at the local coffee shop I bought everyone’s coffee or specialty drink except for the one loud-mouthed Killary worshipper. When he asked why I didn’t pay for his $5.00 latte I told him I didn’t want to insult him or ‘shove Christmas down his throat.’ I did wish him a happy federal holiday as he quietly muttered *itch.

    This year I’ve noticed many more sales staff wishing customers a Merry Christmas. It’s refreshing.

  2. I think we should go all old-school and get back to the days before Hallmark, when Americans used to get drunk and beat the crap out of each other at Christmas and New Years…

    Google it.

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