A Portrait of Black Americans and the 2nd Amendment – IOTW Report

A Portrait of Black Americans and the 2nd Amendment

American Thinker:

States such as New York have been signing conceal carry restrictions into law like there’s no tomorrow.  And recently there have been claims that these restrictions disproportionately impact minority communities.  Likewise, there is a lawsuit claiming that the “good moral character” clause included in New York’s Conceal Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) is rooted in racist tradition, and its subjective nature is just another way to deny minorities gun permits.

These developments in the continued suppression of Americans’ God-given right to bear arms come on the heels of a trend showing an increase in black gun ownership over the past couple of years.  Forty-four percent of retailers saw an increase in African-Americans purchasing firearms in 2021.

Also, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), at least 40 percent of gun sales in 2020 were made by first-time gun-buyers.  Among these first-time gun-buyers were young people, women, and minorities, from all over the spectrum of political views.  In 2020, the number of gun purchases by African-Americans increased 56% from what it was in 2019, according to research by the NSSF.

And a 2022 New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center report found that Black and Hispanic gun-owners are several times more likely to carry a firearm outside the home than white gun-owners. more

7 Comments on A Portrait of Black Americans and the 2nd Amendment

  1. Ah, yes. The feel good story of how these government regulations are pricing blacks out of the legal gun market, that’s why we need to remove the laws so it’s equal for everyone.
    Article should have been titled “The Jewish case for Camps with Ovens” or similar vein.
    Listen up folks. Black culture is rapidly moving towards Haitian or South African hatred of all things white.
    In only a few short generations, whites will be a minority, then ostracized, then hunted down for extermination.
    So yeah, let’s keep pushing these stupid ass articles using “poor black people” as the tag line.

  2. Anon,
    But you forget, whitey is also armed, with more guns, more ammo, more practice, and more discipline.

  3. PETDR,
    At what point do you actually do something about it?
    You can be trained and have the best arsenal but if you won’t do anything until it’s too late… well then, at least you had thoughts of being the tough guy.
    Listen, I’m not advocating first strike but white folks who want to be left alone need to figure out how to build a tribe cuz you’re all gonna be picked off one by one until it’s too late.

    Let’s face the facts… white people are being out-bred, the culture that build America has been erased and the foreigners running the government are passing laws to make discrimination legal, hell, mandated in many workplaces!
    All they have left is some boomerish memory of an innocent childhood that will never be again, unless whites stand up for themselves and demand accountability, maybe even by force of mob, but inaction will spell the downfall of the earths greatest culture.


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