A Pre-Dawn raid for process crimes? – IOTW Report

A Pre-Dawn raid for process crimes?

Patriot Retort: I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone’s house to arrest him for lying to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering.

But from the look of the video filmed by CNN – who just happened to be there before the pre-dawn raid began – you’d think they were arresting some really dangerous, psychotic killer.

What’s next?

Is the FBI going to send in a SWAT team to arrest Nick Sandman for smiling?

Look, I don’t think much of Roger Stone. He’s a preening peacock who excels at passing himself off as far more important and influential than he really is.

But come on you guys!

He’s a man in sixties who knew he was probably going to get arrested. Mueller’s team of lawyers couldn’t pick up the phone and call Stone’s lawyer and ask that he surrender himself? MORE

23 Comments on A Pre-Dawn raid for process crimes?

  1. The FBI isn’t a real law enforcement agency, but they play one on TV.

    When was the last time a criminal requiring a pre-dawn armed raid for his arrest got let out on his own recognizance hours later?

  2. Meet the new FBI. Same as the old FBI. Wray isn’t about to tell Robespierre Mueller that he cannot use his FBI any differently than Comey did. They have been rifling through Stone’s house for hours, seizing computers and papers all morning. This is how they got the goods on Cohen in NYC. We will soon find out if Stone is made of stronger sinew. I think he is. He’s a weight lifter, not a lawyer.

  3. “I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone’s house to arrest him for lying to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering.”

    It’s only fair and required of an Agency who is above partisan politics.

    Don’t you remember when they ambushed Hillary (aka the Murderess of Benghazi) before she had a chance to break her phones and WIPE HER SERVER with the same cloth she uses on her fat ass?!

  4. A hundred hollyweird writers couldn’t dream up a better visual to illustrate the heavy hand Mueller has been using in his investigation. Even the average dimwit democrat is going to go WTF did Stone do to deserve this. Expect this sham investigation to end soon. When it does he gloves come off. There will be blood.

  5. Personally, I’m a little disappointed they didn’t use tanks and flame throwers, or better yet a flame throwing tank. Roger Stone is a threat to not only the United States but the free world – after all, he told a fib or two to a collection of the greatest liars and bullshitters in the nation.

    Sure, a flame-throwing tank may have been over kill, but unless a government official is selling influence through a phony foundation or wiping incriminating evidence off of a computer server or assisting a rapist husband, one can never be too careful with someone accused of perjury. Besides, CNN can sure use the footage of an elderly gentleman trying to outrun a flame-throwing tank as a device to make people forget what fools that network really is.

  6. Investigate this! Was CNN tipped off about the “Zero Dark Thirty” raid? (LMAO at that ) “The Capture of Fugitive Roger Stone.” Action packed movie coming soon to a theater near you.
    Is it true that CNN supplied the coffee and doughnuts for the extremely dangerous predawn raid? I hear the FBI “Seals” wore bullet proof vests and all that shit? No American family deserves that kind of treatment for a “process crime.”


  7. Apparently this is where they get all those “former fbi” contributors on the teewee;
    “And now let’s go to joe douche nozzle, who you may remember led the successful early morning raid to capture that evil TRUMP associate, (insert name here).

  8. It would be nice to think of these stunts as “dry runs” for the real thing on the *real* bad boys/girls. But they don’t really *need* the practice in the real world….

  9. Acting Atty, Gen. Whitaker, did you approve this action? A 60 year old, grey hair, accused of a process crime and this is what it takes to bring him in? What a sorry affair this Mueller investigation is! Everyone involved should be embarrassed and ashamed.

  10. This could be another Waco backlash in the making. They”ll bring the Bradley’s and the tanks with the gas agents. It’s a good thing he surrendered otherwise they’d be blasting AC-DC thur the loud speakers and strobe lights at night. New agency FBA federal bad asses.

  11. This is the way Hillary Clinton should have been arrested!! Note that none of the government criminals that Trey Gowdy barked at in House investigation accusations have ever been prosecuted or imprisoned. Deep State is in control until Trump has the guts to prove otherwise.

  12. joe6pak, I was JUST talking about how every time there’s an anti- FBI discovery or a confession, mueller arrests someone unrelated. I thought this one had to do with James Baker.

    Pientka, eh? Hmm…

  13. I watched the CNN video several times. It did not look very military. Some of those guys marched/walked the way Nancy Pelosi walks.
    It makes me wonder. Check it out.
    At any rate it was totally unnecessary. A simple call to Stone’s lawyer would have delivered him to the FBI office. But, big but, they wanted a warrant, to search the house. They also wanted CNN to record it. This is pure bullshit. Dangerous to our Republic, bullshit.
    How the hell did CNN get the heads up? Hope someone checks it out.

  14. Questions: is PDT in charge of the DoJ?
    Is the DoJ in charge of the FBI?
    sooooo …. who ordered this raid, instead of a sheriff serving a summons, & why isn’t that person being summarily fired (or at least demoted to HR) by order of PDT?

    Muellface cannot order the FBI to do this … who did?

  15. Just process this in light of the multitude of terrorist attacks and shootings where we found out after the fact that the FBI had been notified and knew all about the perp being a radical Muslim or psycho school kid and a likely threat.


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