A Pro-Life Black Pastor on the NAACP and Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

A Pro-Life Black Pastor on the NAACP and Planned Parenthood

BCN: Pastor Clenard Childress of BlackGenocide.org and the Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.) recently protested outside the NAACP’s annual convention venue along with other pro-lifers in Cincinnati, Ohio, to expose the organization’s indifference toward the high rate of abortion among black women.

At last year’s demonstration outside the NAACP’s convention in Philadelphia, the pro-lifers featured a sign of a Confederate flag image and an aborted baby that read: “Which is more hateful? Evil done to us? Evil done by us?”

At this year’s protest, Pastor Childress said that abortion mill Planned Parenthood is the leading killer of unarmed black Americans.

“We follow the NAACP wherever they go with their conventions and bring as many people as we can until they take up the issue of abortion, and how it is decimating the African American community and how it is causing horrific health ramifications with women. They are in a gross state of negligence as an African American organization for not having a forum or seminars on abortion.”  MORE

2 Comments on A Pro-Life Black Pastor on the NAACP and Planned Parenthood

  1. Pastor Childress and Dr. Hunter = real good guys. In my other life, I used some materials/info they put out when I set up display/info booths at college health fairs and the like.

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