A Pro-Trump Ad… – IOTW Report

A Pro-Trump Ad…

Armstrong Economics: What is very interesting is that Trump would even do such an advertisement. The Democrats have organized themselves into “The Resistance” to sabotage President Trump. This is really a major confrontation for Democracy is dead and indeed the press has lost all integrity and is no longer balanced. Many are confused. Why do the Democrats hate Trump so much? It certainly seems that they are so against him because he cannot be bribed and as such is overturning their feeding trough. Watch

h/t Doc.

13 Comments on A Pro-Trump Ad…

  1. “What is very interesting is that Trump would even do such an advertisement.”

    Why’s that? Exactly what I would expect. He has a lot of the 2A only voters still pissed off over the bump stock ban. It would be a smart move to do something big for the 2A.

  2. Trump’s Oct 13, 2016 speech is what put the hook in me, after listening I knew he got it, he understood what was going on and he was the only person running who stood a chance against it.

  3. I have determined to my own satisfaction that anyone who remains in the baby killing, freedom hating, God denying “Democrat” Party is an enemy of the Republic.
    DJT opposes them and their policies better than anyone else. He may mess up from time to time but God always chooses the flawed cornerstone to build upon.
    He may be a loose cannon at times, but he is OUR loose cannon.
    Don’t be an “all my way or no vote”, voter.
    That will only let evil in the door.

  4. I love having a POTUS with a spine.
    I love that he dares name names.
    He’s probably the only one in politics who can show the Clintons’ and Soros’ corrupt crime spree and not get Arkansided.

  5. just like we don’t deserve Jesus sacrifice to save us from our sins we don’t deserve DJT’s sacrifice to save our country from these people either.

    we all need to forcefully pushback against the attacks on him and his policies.

    it’s not just the democrats.
    it’s the rino republicans and the rest of the world all feeding at the taxpayer trough.

    only non-professional politician could have made such a change.

    we are sunk if we keep electing professional politicians into office.

    God Bless DJT !

  6. That was fabulous.

    No doubt I was all in and was elated when DJT won. I listened to almost every rally speech and followed what he said closely. For me, even with years of reading sundance, my jaw dropping moment was his Inauguration speech. Truly the best speech I ever heard anyone give.

    Remember the media and their claims that is was a dark speech. He didn’t pull any punches. No bullshit platitudes just the reality we were(and still are) facing. And when the cameras panned the pols in the audience(yeah you Hillary, you fucking scum), you could feel their discomfort that someone was speaking the truth.

    There will never be anyone like this again and even if some one comes close down the road, it was Trump that has showed us just How & WTF needs to be done.

    I say the second term is going to be a barn burner.

  7. “I say the second term is going to be a barn burner.” – MMinAR

    Pray for a fair election free from the voter fraud being planned (and partially executed in the 2018 State elections) by the left.


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