A Project to Improve Renewable Energy Reliability, Disappears – IOTW Report

A Project to Improve Renewable Energy Reliability, Disappears


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

A Google project to use artificial intelligence to improve the predictability of wind energy appears to have failed. Engineers who worked on the project have reportedly removed mention of their work from their linked in profiles.

Climate change falls down the agenda at A.I. lab DeepMind after energy heads leave



  • The DeepMind Energy unit, which has attracted its fair share of attention over the years, has vanished and none of the company’s staff mention it on their LinkedIn profiles. 
  • At one point, DeepMind wanted to use its AI technology to optimize National Grid, which owns and operates the infrastructure that provides electricity to homes and businesses around Britain.
  • The organizations spent a considerable amount of time working together, but there were many hurdles to overcome if anything was ever going to be implemented.

LONDON — Artificial intelligence (AI) lab DeepMind has shifted its focus from climate change to other areas of science and is pursuing its original mission of creating artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is widely seen as the holy grail of the nascent technology, according to several people familiar with the matter.   read more

8 Comments on A Project to Improve Renewable Energy Reliability, Disappears

  1. You can’t fix stupid, but apparently you can deny it and try to hide it.

    Soon they’ll blame the inadequacy of solar power on the sun for not shining brightly enough.

  2. They will instead be applying their AI to designing the ad campaign for their package deal of wind powered sun lamps and solar powered fans.

    The greenies have been trying and failing for years to market these things, but they probably figure that by now that either the AI has gotten smart enough or, more likely, the average consumer has gotten stupid enough.


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