A protest in Chicago unlike any other – IOTW Report

A protest in Chicago unlike any other

American Thinker: What is it about Chicago and out-there priests?

First, we heard all about crazy radical leftist Fr. Michael Pfleger during the Obama years, probably the biggest social justice warrior the Church has in its ranks, a guy who consorts with Louis Farrakhan.  Now we learn of a priest who must be about as far away from that end of the spectrum as possible: Fr. Paul Kalchik.

Kalchik made headlines by burning a rainbow gay banner in a ceremonial church fire pit, in defiance of his own archdiocese, which forbade him from doing it.  His aim was to protest the Church pedophilia and pederasty scandals, whose victims were overwhelmingly male, bringing up the taboo of homosexuality in the clerical ranks, which he argues is at the heart of it, and the archdiocese is not addressing.  According to the Sun-Times:

A North Side priest who says he “can’t sit well” with Cardinal Blase Cupich burned a gay-friendly flag outside his Avondale church last week – against the wishes of the cardinal he claims is trying to minimize the clergy sex-abuse crisis.

Rev. Paul Kalchik says the banner, featuring a cross superimposed over a rainbow, had been featured prominently in the sanctuary at Resurrection Catholic Church but had been taken down and was forgotten in storage at the parish at 3043 N. Francisco for more than a decade.

Kalchik led seven parishioners in a prayer of exorcism Friday, and the flag was burned inside a portable fire pit placed the schoolyard next to the church.  The ashes of the flag now rest in a church compost heap.

It’s a tough issue, because Catholics are not anti-gay, nor do they wish ill on the gay community.  Yet Church teachings remain that homosexual acts are sinful (same as heterosexual acts outside marriage), and now there’s a vast scandal engulfing the Church with mostly male victims, the elephant in the room – which suggests there may well be a “lavender mafia” at work at the highest levels of the Church.  Cardinal McCarrick, for one, who preyed on young male seminarians, certainly sounds like the kind of guy who might have run one.  more here

11 Comments on A protest in Chicago unlike any other

  1. Good on Kalchik but there’s a much bigger issue here.

    “It’s a tough issue”

    No it isn’t.

    “because Catholics are not anti-gay”


    Because if that’s true, then that’s the problem right there and it isn’t at all tough to understand.

    Are Catholics anti-adulterer? Anti-thief? Anti-murderer? Answer carefully because God Himself is.

    To single out one socially acceptable sin as (apparently) not so bad and maybe not even sin, depending on the relationship, when God Himself notes it in His word as a singular, unqualified indicator of just how far and darkened the soul of mankind has fallen…maybe you need to do without such a church. It might end up taking you to Hell with it.

  2. Wo unfo those that call wicked good and good wicked or something alone those lines. Then there were the 2 priests out of Chicago who were busted in Fl for servicing each other in public.


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