A quick word. – IOTW Report

A quick word.


20 Comments on A quick word.

  1. Actually, most of his stuff is very good. I don’t care for rap either but the latest generation listens to it almost exclusively. That stated, he is a Christian and speaks truth. I often share his stuff with my younger children.

  2. You may not like rap. But the vast majority of the youth under 30-35 do. That is what they mostly listen to. You should be happy that more and more of the rappers out there are stepping up and sending these type of messages. Mostly they are independent rappers and a lot of them are dropping serious bars. Be happy…be very happy these guys are stepping up and its reaching the youngunz ears. You have no idea how much it is part of their everyday lives. They are not listening to your old favorite radio station. Doesn’t work like that anymore.

  3. Many “older folks” don’t care for rap – I get it. What most don’t get is the massive acceptance of rap spanning so called generations – Gen X,Gen Y, Mellinials, Gen Z and now Gen Alpha. They prefer rap because the message is quickly absorbed, expediant and compatible with their short attention spans.

    Rap really isn’t music but poetic verse accompanied by music. Strange, but it works for the younger generations who need truths delivered effectively by conservative leaning rappers.

    Sampson reminds me of the Christian entertainer, Carmen. Sampson has a similar look and style, minus the expletives, Carmen was PG and very popular in the 80s and 90s. My son grew up listening to him and loved his music as a little kid.

  4. 99th Squad Leader, I listened to a lot of Carmen’s music back in the 80’s and 90’s. He along with Michael Card and John Michael Talbot were some of the best Christian musicians then and still now. Too much so called Christian music was crap because it catered to worldly Christians and I couldn’t stand their music because it was watered down feel good about Jesus drivel.

  5. Wow, geoff the aardvark you named some Christian music greats! I still have tapes and CDs of those artists you mentioned plus so many more. Second Chapter of Acts is my most favorite Christian group, btw.
    Also, you’re right, it’s even more rare to find Christian artists who are not worldly. It was bad in the 80s and 90s, but now it’s just ridiculous and sad- an invasion of SJW and BLM reprobate satanic compromise. Lord help them.

  6. It’s fraudulent that rap hides behind the moniker of “music”. Music involves either pleasing to the ear melodies involving expertise in musical instruments or using a voice to sing which is pleasant and uplifting. Rap is neither of these. A more accurate description would be a rhythmic poem or a harmonic verse.

    As for rap’s popularity, I think it has more to do with peer pressure and the current generation’s insatiable need for instant validation, more than a personal preference.

    I’m glad there are Christian artists targeting younger folks but I wish they would rap about the joys of reading, the Great American Experiment, the need to flex and exercise our “liberty” muscles, and the simple fact that we are all God’s children regardless of skin color.


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