A Rape Survivor Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms – IOTW Report

A Rape Survivor Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms

islam rape culture

There’s no way to make everyone happy about transgender bathrooms and locker rooms. So the priority ought to be finding a way to keep everyone safe.

TheFederalist– […] I read these reports, and my heart starts to race. They can’t be serious. Let me be clear: I am not saying that transgender people are predators. Not by a long shot. What I am saying is that there are countless deviant men in this world who will pretend to be transgender as a means of gaining access to the people they want to exploit, namely women and children. It already happens. Just Google Jason Pomares, Norwood Smith Burnes, or Taylor Buehler, for starters.


19 Comments on A Rape Survivor Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms

  1. Who really gives a shit anymore? If that’s what 2% of the 300 plus million Americans want. So what!. But 2% own 70% of the American media and they
    are telling us that is what we want and need.. So, fuckit, that’s what we want. and need!
    When will the real revolution start? After I’m fuckin dead?

  2. That’s right Moe.
    Vote for Punch, or vote for Judy, this is going to be forced down our throats.
    Have you read ‘One Hand Clapping’ by Anthony Burgess?
    In 1961 he predicted all this, and takes you down the road to what is to come.

  3. Jane, I disagree, good men need to start standing up for conservative women. You see a perv in high heels walking into a woman’s bathroom, hurt him. Just because our current leaders have gone off the rails doesn’t mean we need to. Time to bring back blanket parties. However a woman with a gun is pretty damn sexy.

  4. John S I patrolled for many years back in the 70’s the NYC subways.
    The toilets there were occupied daily by the most disgusting scum you could ever imagine. Most in suits and ties with briefcases. They are probably in government by now. Yes. I am a cynical bastard!

  5. Moe I can imagine. As there is electrical wiring everywhere, while I have not seen it all, I have seen more than enough.
    One of my customers is the Oakland Housing Authority. The Projects contain the slice of humanity that a beat cop spends most of his time dealing with. I worked in the bath houses when they were open, I also work in banks and multi-millionaires homes.
    There is a dark current that flows through civilization and those who chose to be neck deep in it come from all walks of life.

  6. @ Bad Brad

    DH hangs out by the entrance to jons when I go in, and by the campground showers while I’m in one. He worries about my safety, and I worry that someone will think he’s a perv hanging around the entrance to women’s jons and showers. 🙂

    The one time he didn’t hang by the jon entrance, I walked into a near deserted rest stop on the way to the airport at 5 a.m. He and one of our boys stayed in the car. A very large man and I faced each other. This was in IL, so no CC. I thought of my huge guardian angel at that moment. The man fumbled out some excuse that he thought he was in the men’s room and left.

    As I left, I realized that the big heavy entrance doors to the ladies room had been removed since I last stopped there. This was many years ago. Apparently door removal was for safety for the women.

  7. Jane I guard my wife and daughter when they use public restrooms too. 5 years ago I stopped a drunk asshole from entering the women’s restroom at the Cali State Fair while daughter and wife were in there. He wasn’t quite drunk enough to push the point but he made enough noise that security showed up. They cuffed him and hauled him off. That probably would not happen today. We need to get organized and we need to get smart.
    On another note my wife’s hell on wheels with a gun. But I can’t talk her into getting a ccw. I’ll send you her cell number. LOL

  8. The Projects contain the slice of humanity that a beat cop spends most of his time dealing with. I worked in the bath houses when they were open, I also work in banks and multi-millionaires homes.

    Seriously, JohnS, you may want to edit and reword that statement about where you once worked.
    You don’t get a whole lot of love here anyway.

  9. Moe – yer being pretty generous thar with that 2% number. The Homosexual population is about 1.6% and only God knows whut tiny slice of that Trannies represent! There are no doubt more nut-jobs running around claiming they’re Trannies (cuz it’s the in-thing) than real ones actually going thru with it. Anyway, I can’t believe Trannies are anything but the tiniest sliver of the population which makes the whole thing even more absurd and simply points out that the Left and Commie in the White House have simply latched on to the latest Politically Correct Poop DuJour to fling in the face of the over taxed-payer!

  10. You all simply miss the point that this is simply another club to bash you all with! Wake up! I know Obbumer is pushing his agenda, fight back! Do something!

  11. If I hear one more report of some sissyboy in a dress whining about how “uncomfortable” he is using the men’s room, I swear I’m going to lose it. I have some advice for them:


  12. Guns, yep! Individual situational awareness….. Then, let it go. *We* can’t stop the craziness, now. It will, over time, heal itself. Truly, there are more important and bigger fish to fry….

    Caitlin Jenner is going to “re-transition.” That’s a biggie…While I detest the idea of “transitioning” a confused 15 year old kid (almost half of whom commit suicide), I figgered ole Bruce knew what he was doing. Nope? The progs tell us that the suicides and depression are the fault of society’s “non-acceptance,” some of which will be “cured” by allowing these sad folk into the wrong rest room.

    When confronted with data, progs just double down and do more of the same. Jenner is high profile enough, he could make a difference.

    But me and thee just need to arm up… practice at the range. Give little girls siren whistles. Teach them how to be alert, how to fight….

    Then, vote Trump and worry about the Mussie problem and globalization and re-building America’s manufacturing base and the national debt. The bathroom thingie is a blip and, even without the trannie issue, protecting defenseless women and children is a good idea. …..Lady in Red

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