A Round Of Applause For Kevin Spacey – IOTW Report

A Round Of Applause For Kevin Spacey

Daily Caller- Milo Yiannopolous: Happy belated Halloween – the only night of the year 14-year-olds willingly show up to Kevin Spacey’s house. As I write to you, more traumatized young men are spilling their guts to journalists about being fondled or seduced by Spacey. “I would call him a pedophile and a sexual predator,” says a man who has come forward to describe a sexual relationship he had with Spacey when he was just 14 – which ended, he says, with Spacey trying to rape him.

I’m as disgusted as you are by Kevin Spacey’s transparent attempt to cloak himself in gay privilege as a way of distracting us from allegations he tried to f*ck a child. This is why identity politics is so poisonous: it seeks to establish separate rules for separate groups based on perceived, or more often simply imaginary, victimhood. Gay people should be held to the same standards as everyone else.

The purpose of the Left’s categorization of us all into marginalized identities is to establish separate standards of behavior for everyone. If you read left-wing blogs you’d be forgiven for thinking that gay people are perfect paragons of upstanding moral rectitude and the worst thing a black person has done in the last 50 years is break wind at the DMV. The rest of us know better: we know people are messy and complicated, and that just because someone is a paraplegic lesbian Muslim DREAMer, it’s also possible for her to be a total prick. It might even be – whisper it – more likely!

I’m gay. I have been very drunk. It never made me want to touch kids. Kevin Spacey is a disgrace to faggots – and I say this as someone whose gay card has been ripped up, spat upon, set on fire and then put out with piss repeatedly. But whatever his crimes – and I hope he pays for them in the most obscenely painful ways imaginable at the hands of LeRoy from Cell Block E – Spacey has inadvertently done the conservative cause a massive service this week. Because his cack-handed damage control has permanently devastated identity politics.  MORE

22 Comments on A Round Of Applause For Kevin Spacey

  1. Kevin Spacey would be clapping but he would have to take his hand out of that 14 year old boy’s trousers.

    It appears being a pervert is excused if you say you’re gay.
    Oh well, that’s OK then, Kevin.

    Take your memories of the boys you molested and your $millions from Hollywood and live the high life buddy.

  2. Huh, the left is aghast that Kevin Spacey is a kiddie diddler, but Roman Polanski is brave because he’s a kiddie diddler? I’m pretty sure that in a couple years the left will openly cheer Spacey for his forcible underage sodomy. The left is consistent in their utter moral corruption.

  3. Spacey is a damn good actor. Cosby is a damn good comedian. Weinstein is a damn good producer. Yiannopolous is a damn good Conservative.

    Why can’t these perverts be more mediocre so I don’t have to regret the fact that they’re who they are?

    (Note: This is only a rhetorical question. No answer is required.)


  4. @Bad_Brad: You’re right – physically, I’m older than you, but the 15-year-old that lives in my brain (you may think I’m kidding, but I’m not) still regrets that everyone who is talented can’t be a decent person and live by society’s standards. However, I haven’t always lived by society’s standards, and I suspect you and everyone else reading this hasn’t always done so, either. So what’s the answer?

    Well, in the words of the Scriptures, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

    Therefore, I’ll leave the judging up to someone else.

    Be my guest.


  5. Vietvet
    That’s some serious shit there pal. FYI, I register about a 12 year old mentally. On a good day. You make a good point. Over the last two years I’ve eliminated watching almost all TV. Actors and actresses I use to enjoy. I’m down to FOX, Tom Selleck, and old westerns. I just can’t support the assholes no matter how talented they are.

  6. Well, there’s always old Doris Day movies.

    Plus, old Doris Day’s still around. Maybe she would watch ’em with us. As long as you don’t get too touchy-feely, that is. Old Doris Day don’t put up with that shit, you know.


  7. @ Bad Brad, Tonight I’m sitting through Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for about the 100th time. This year. It beats anything currently showing at the theaters. Tomorrow, it’s going to be a Benji marathon. Come on over!

  8. Indimex

    If you can find it, go see Wind River. Yea and Jeremy what’s his name has gone both ways on the gun debate. But I’ll say that movie is worth watching. I do my research before I agree to put my gun in the safe and go see a movie. It’s a sleeper that is really good.

    But I’m with ya. That’s the first movie we’ve seen in probably 5 years. But momma was getting cabin fever.

  9. Milo Yiannopolous’ opinion notwithstanding, pedophilia is the apex of homosexual perversions. And heterosexual perversions.
    Corrupting youth. Destroying innocence. Defiling virtue.
    It’s an affront to God; not an effort at gratification.

    These creatures detest God, and attempt (and succeed) to defile and corrupt His most innocent creations. The pedophile who rapes a child and then gets to see that child grow and decay and eventually commit suicide over that abuse gives it (the rapist) the greatest satisfaction. The child-rapist is defying God. And when he gets away with it, he feels emboldened.

    izlamo delenda est …

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