A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States – IOTW Report

A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States

Pick a state, any state.

9 Comments on A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States

  1. Just one bit from the site… Keven Hayes

    Keven Hayes, a homeless man from Columbia, Missouri, pleaded guilty to perjury in 2016 after he forged signatures on a ballot petition in 2014. He had falsified 363 signatures on 60 petitions advocating for an early voting proposal to be placed on the ballot. Hayes was given a four-year suspended sentence and placed on probation for five years.

    You are telling me a homeless guy thought his way through this? He had the means and knew the work-flow? Who fed him the info?

    Hang all of them.

  2. Every single one of the losers on the list should be listed as a domestic terrorist, have their citizenship permanently revoked, and be deported for life with the full knowledge that if they EVER step foot inside CONUS again it will mean the death penalty.

    Watch how fast voter fraud stops after that is done, AND ENFORCED!

  3. I looked at several randomly and most all punishments were extremely lenient. Do they really expect to curtail the fraud when those committing the acts are hardly given a swat?


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