A Self-Proclaimed Antifa Member Could Be The Next Portland Mayor – IOTW Report

A Self-Proclaimed Antifa Member Could Be The Next Portland Mayor

Sara Carter: The next mayor of Portland could be a radical left-wing, self-proclaimed Antifa member named Sarah Iannarone. She tweeted in 2019, “I am Antifa,” and will face current Mayor Ted Wheeler in a run-off election in November.

Neither of the candidates received a majority of the votes in the first round and will face off again in several weeks. Wheeler won more votes initially but has faced fierce criticism by both President Donald Trump on his handling of the Portland riots and left-wing agitators who say he has been too tough on protests—that have frequently turned into destructive and even deadly riots.

22 Comments on A Self-Proclaimed Antifa Member Could Be The Next Portland Mayor

  1. What could possibly go wrong with another obvious lesbian mayor and Antifa member? In a way she reminds me of Zelda Gilroy, Dobie Gillis’s erstwhile girlfriend who was also a lesbian and leftist in real life. Portland’s in a no win situation with either one of these two 2 fools no matter who wins the mayoral election.

  2. …what ever happened to Antifa being declared a terrorist organization?

    “The violence, instigated and carried out by ‘Antifa’ and other similar groups in connection with the rioting, is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” said Barr.”




    ..oh, WILLiam…

    …you’ve still got CHORES to do, you can finish setting up your two-tiered FISA “justice” system LATER, come clean up this dog mess right NOW, you can start RIGHT HERE with THIS one, in fact…

  3. Well, she’s a real looker now ain’t she? Has the cold dead eyes of the sociopath totalitarian she will be as mayor.

    There is a lot to be said for the use of Neutron bombs.

  4. This whole ANTIFA thing is a cult. People are finding friendship, acceptance, purpose,love, someone to blame for their problems,all this and more in ANTIFA. It is without a doubt a cult.

  5. There were, and may well still be, a lot of people who lived in Portland who lived fairly normal lives and were not part of the nutbar brigades. BUT there were a lot among them who thought this shit is cute, smart and/or funny. A lot of them raised these bastards to act this way and thought the little bastards behavior was precocious and cute.

    Fuck the Goddamn sonsabitches. Let them stew in their own shit, I quit going into Seattle or Portland over a decade ago and don’t know what their attitude is today, but I do what it was as this bullshit was propagated. And it is organic, it has been something I first recognized in the 1070’s.

    It has been exacerbated by idiots moving an and bringing more idiocy with them, but it was already there for anyone with any powers of observation to see fifty years ago.

  6. Sarah Iannarone looks a lot like Matthew Banta, aka antifa’s The Commander Red, who cried like a baby when arrested in Wis.

    Are they genetically related? Or is it a case of people who believe the same silly dangerous crapola just start to look alike?


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