A Sign Triggers Liberals and Media: ‘Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.’ [No Wonder They’re Offended] – IOTW Report

A Sign Triggers Liberals and Media: ‘Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.’ [No Wonder They’re Offended]

DC Patriot

The owner of Pets Gone Wild Resort has put up a now hiring sign that we here at The DC Patriot find very appropriate for this liberal, woke, socialist agenda pushing version of American in 2022. However liberals and the media are super butt hurt about it, but we’ll let you have a laugh with us anyway.

The new job posting in Pasadena, Texas is turning some heads, and making some folks laugh, and making the woke brigade scream for their safe spaces.

The owner of Pets Gone Wild Resort said he put up the now hiring sign Tuesday morning. It’s simple, and to the point. “Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.”

Yeah, if you’ve seen anyone in this generation of leftist buffoons in America, this sign if you’re a small business owner speaks volumes to those of us with common sense and work ethic. We’re all tired of your shenanigans. more h/t Doc.

16 Comments on A Sign Triggers Liberals and Media: ‘Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.’ [No Wonder They’re Offended]

  1. The only people offended by that sign are those who think they’re too smart to have to work for a living, yet their voiced complaints are about hurting others’ feelings.

  2. If you google Indeed, or Glass Door adds in California cities, right now, you will find verbiage like, “Only the mentally astute need apply”. “We’re looking for team members that excel under pressure”. Etc, Etc. They were smart enough not to use the word “stupid”, as not to offend STUPID PEOPLE.

  3. I only have one sort of stupid employee, but she is reliable and works, so I’m happy to employ her. My other employees are all fairly bright. I’d use that sign if I was hiring. I like it.

  4. My father was just a poor Injun who joined the Navy at 18 to escape poverty.

    Lifelong conservative, I asked him once when I was but a lad why so many people where liberals, and he responded; there are two types of liberals, those who can afford to be. and those that live off the ones who can afford to be.

    Pretty accurate assessment if you ask me. Rich liberals are insulated from their own stupidity and poor liberals have Uncle Sugar to address every challenge their stupidity fosters.

    I miss my Dad every day.

  5. My middle daughter has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, but moderate functioning. I know the head of the kitchen at one of the assisted living facilities that I visit patients at. I heard he needed help and asked if he’d talk to her. His first reply, “Your kid? She’s hired.” I laughed and said no, you really need to talk to her first, shes mildly disabled but a hard worker. He replied that knowing how I worked, he was pretty sure my kid would be rock solid as well, and he didn’t need to interview her, she was hired. I did insist on an interview.

    Flash forward 6 months later, she is his most reliable employee. Her coworkers will often bail on her early and leave her with all the cleanup well past end of shift. It’s become a big problem and she’s ready to leave. He knows, and he’s talked to all of them, and they just don’t give a shit. They miss shifts without bothering to call in, show up late, leave early. He’d fire them but there are no applicants to replace them with.

  6. Translation: Only the unvaxxed need apply.

    Y’know, what they used to refer to as ‘independent thinkers’ and ‘problem solvers’ back when those were considered good qualities in a job applicant.

  7. @ Hoo Hoo
    I can relate. I work in construction and these people come and go that are just like that.
    We have one guy that rolls in on a skateboard late he’s the king of standing around dinking with his phone. Send him on a mission to go get something for what you’re doing and doesn’t show up for 20 minutes and then you see him, he’s on his phone walking real slow when I asked him where the thing I needed is he says, oh I forgot, I went to the outhouse.
    He’s been written up multiple times.
    I think sometimes they just want to know if you have a temperature then you’re hired.
    Most of these people can’t read a tape measure yet they apply for construction job.
    I won’t let him use any power tool that cuts. They are not there to work, they are there to get a paycheck.
    Box of rocks.

  8. @Cisco Kid October 26, 2022 at 3:57 am

    > Oh and Fucktard Son of Fuckhead
    > He died from liver flukes he picked up in Vietnam while living off the public teat.
    > I ever meet you, your a dead man walking…

    Carried more boxes of pickled Americans, who’s souls died there, than you’ve pissed on. Been dead since before you were a drunken mistake. Bring it, hero.

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