A snake in President Trump’s cabinet: Mark Esper tells all to 60 Minutes – IOTW Report

A snake in President Trump’s cabinet: Mark Esper tells all to 60 Minutes

American Thinker

By Monica Showalter

When you think of everything that’s gone wrong with the U.S. military — from its wokester agenda to its failure to contain Russia to its breakdown in discipline to the presence of Gen. Mark Milley on the Joint Chiefs of Staff — pretty much all of it has the name of Mark Esper, President Trump’s former defense secretary, all over it.

Rather than slink off into obscurity after such a performance, if not back to the big-bucks war-machine defense-contractor lobby whence he sprang, he’s out shilling a tell-all book and promoting it on 60 Minutes in a bid to discredit the man he purportedly “served,” President Trump.

According to 60 Minutes interviewer Norah O’Donnell, he now calls Trump “a threat to American democracy.”

But his interview with 60 Minutes didn’t come out the heroic way he probably thought it would.

Unbeknownst to him, he demonstrated what a coward’s coward and slithering snake he was while in office.  Everything he did involved some new means of undercutting President Trump, or, as O’Donnell summed up, “subverted many of the president’s wishes.” read more

30 Comments on A snake in President Trump’s cabinet: Mark Esper tells all to 60 Minutes

  1. Wow. A lot of thoughts come to mind, but I’ve reduce them to just two:

    1. Who will serve with Mr. Trump in a 2nd term that isn’t a piece of shit?

    2. The “American Democracy” is a piece of shit.

  2. Me thinks during his second term POTUS Trump will be more selective about who he takes staffing advise from. He experienced one of the disadvantages of NOT being an insider.

  3. Don was by far the best President since Ronny. But not nearly as good as Ronny! His biggest problem was putting “Bush Republicans” in high places.

    Naming 2, of way too many “Bush Republicans” Don hired, that are in the news now.
    1. The man whose incompetence is why inflation has been so bad the last 13 months. Powell.

    2. GWB’s deputy asst. Sec Def. Esper.

    A weak defense for Don is he i not a DC creature. A valid, but poor excuse for so many bad hires!

  4. That’s what has always fascinated me about PRESIDENT Trump. His mere presence exposed the “Who’s Who Of Corruption” for all the world to see. Obviously a spiritual gift.

  5. Yeah, President Donald J. Trump (or his kids aka advisors) hired too many on resume’ and a promise to do their best. Since he wouldn’t swear allegiance to Brand R, and their agenda, there was no fidelity returned. Although even Ronaldus Magnus had way too much Deep State undermining him.

  6. If you were curious what a POS in a suit would look like, behold the homo.

    That these ‘authors’ freely (brazenly) admit, on the record, that they defied the POTUS that they were in place to serve is as treasonous as the lying bastards in the Legislative Branch who perpetually undermined the Executive Branch.

    They laid like comatose sex dolls for oBozo, but worked like fiendish dervishes to hogtie President Donald Trump.

    Liz Cheney (among many others), you are the poster child of a twisted American Rasputin

  7. When a GOPe guy like Hugh Hewitt disparages Esper you know the guy is a snake.

    A huge plus for DeSantis is the great team he has put together in Florida. There’s a lot to be said for an executive like Trump becoming Prez but OTOH there’s equally a lot to be said for running the government effectively in a big state. And DeSantis is certainly doing that.

  8. Many of Trump’s appointees were recommended by Ryan, McCONnell, Pense, other GOP house and senate members, GOP governors and the RNC. Each were vouched for and vetted by RINOs and major donors.
    When you hire vipers from the deep state, there is no loyalty. You will be bitten, as reflected by Barr and Esper and many others.

  9. The problem is, and DeSantis would have the same exact problem, they’re not appointees. The need to be approved by a group of people that have a hidden agenda. Listen to Turtle Boy run his mouth now. And Ryan was even worse.

  10. So the DeSantis Cabinet isn’t filled. Isn’t that more of a feature than a bug? His Chief of Staff and Inner Sanctum are already in place and are kicking ass in FL.

    As for positions like FBI, DOJ or CIA head, fire people from the top down until you hit pay dirt.

    There’s no way a Brennan, Barr or Wray is going to get that kind of power again with DeSantis.

  11. I don’t see any state banning drop boxes and in fact in just about the cheatyest state, PA, they’re increasing the number of them. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the coming Red Wave fizzles(because of fraud)

    Don’t be too sure that DJT has learned his lesson with his insistence that the “vaccine” was/is safe and his endorsement of Oz. I will go to the wall for him if he gets the nod but you gotta admit he made some serious mistakes starting with his first Chief of Staff, that fucker Preibus. I was uh-oh right off the bat.

    I watch FL goings on pretty carefully and there is not a hint of any problems the way DeSantis is handling things. He is fearless.

  12. With all the talk about “Trump’s second term”, I just want to make sure – we have fixed all the old voter fraud issues that plagued the 2020 election, haven’t we?


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