A sorry group of Democrat presidential candidates – IOTW Report

A sorry group of Democrat presidential candidates

American Thinker: The sudden transformation of the Democratic Party into a dogma-driven left-wing political enterprise has resulted in a wave of apologies and even abject groveling from candidates seeking the 2020 presidential nomination.  Positions that were mainstream just a few years ago now demonstrate moral failures and worse, and they must be repudiated, else the would-be president will be repudiated by the loudest, angriest, best organized faction of the party.

David Rutz of the Free Beacon has assembled a montage of the apologues of some of the announced candidates:

The regrets include the following:

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been mulling a run for months, expressed regret for the “big mistake” of supporting tougher sentences for drug possession in the 1980s and 1990s. …

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.), has described herself as “callous” in her former immigration views and said she “couldn’t have been more wrong” about her previous support for gun rights – she once sported an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association but now proudly has an “F.” …

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii), released a full apology video for her previous anti-LGBT views. … [This was a true act of groveling – T.L.]

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) was forced to apologize to women who alleged sexual harassment and pay disparities on his 2016 campaign, initially saying he was a “little bit busy” running around the country to be aware of the situation at the time[.]

Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) said she took full responsibility for her past decisions that upset progressives as a prosecutor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) acknowledged she was not a “person of color” while defending her decision to release a DNA test revealing scant Native American ancestry, and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who’s never backed off his support for the “stop-and-frisk” program, acknowledged not all of his decisions in office were “perfect.”

Watching the mass self-abnegation reminds me of the spectacle of China during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that convulsed (and impoverished) that nation for a decade, starting in 1966.  Officials, scholars, and almost anyone in a position of authority were forced to undergo self-criticism and repent of their adherence to the remnants of capitalism and feudalism.  In China, this was a top-down movement, sparked by Mao Tse-tung’s call to youth to rise up and attack his ideological enemies who resisted imposition of “true communism.”  more

11 Comments on A sorry group of Democrat presidential candidates

  1. A very large bowl of Granola. Fruits, Flakes, and Nuts. All rushing towards Socialism just as fast as they can. Don’t be surprised if a few of them bring up Gas Chambers for Trump supporters. I’m investing in popcorn futures as I type. And more ammo.


    “I apologize for whatever thing makes you most upset with me, and I will whet my finger and hold it in your direction to make decisions from now on!”

  3. “If I ever made a rational decision, or performed a pro-American act – I am heartily sorry.

    Through my fault,
    through my fault,
    through my most grievous fault.

    (just give me money and power – I’ll do and say anything the Partei demands)”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. gin blossom,
    I am a retired plumber and know a little something of sewers.
    I can assure you that a sewer may be stinky and full of waste, but it will never – NEVER – enfilthen (?) your soul as a city will.

    izlamo delenda est …

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