A ‘Spill’ of FBI Secrets – IOTW Report

A ‘Spill’ of FBI Secrets

The FBI agent squirmed on the hot seat.

American Greatness –

Julie Kelly

Confronted with messages the Justice Department attempted to conceal, Nicole Miller, one of the lead FBI investigators assigned to the Proud Boys case, was on the verge of admitting that the FBI monitored privileged communications between one defendant and his attorney in 2021.

“It appears so,” Miller responded when asked by defense attorney Nicholas Smith on March 8 to confirm she and another agent discussed the content of emails exchanged between Zachary Rehl, one of five Proud Boys currently on trial for seditious conspiracy, and his former lawyer.

Smith read aloud one of Miller’s texts: “I need to find other emails, but this one email definitely indicates that they want to go to trial, But don’t freak out, Jason and Luke.” 

Smith turned to Miller. “Now, ‘Jason,’ you understand to be referring to the prosecutor in this case, Jason McCullough. Correct?”

But jurors never heard an answer. After prosecutors loudly objected, Judge Timothy Kelly abruptly dismissed the jury. He informed jurors that he wanted “to press pause, as we sometimes do when an objection hits,” and reconvene the morning of March 9.

But that didn’t happen either.

Instead, Kelly, outside the eyes and ears of the jury, held a hearing with both sides on March 9 to determine how to proceed after the defense team uncovered messages indicating FBI agents doctored internal reports, destroyed evidence, and tipped off prosecutors about defense strategy on the government’s highest-profile January 6 case. MORE

9 Comments on A ‘Spill’ of FBI Secrets

  1. So the American justice system is completely corrupted to it’s core and it refuses to correct it. So it must then fall to real Americans to do a real correction and cleaning.

  2. Dismiss with prejudice and file criminal complaints against all the members of the FBI and prosecutors who participated in this attempted framing. Seems simple enough, now do it, your honor.

  3. “The spreadsheet, which Ballantine later in the hearing described as a “classified document,” could not be reviewed, copied, or shared until further notice.”

    So where is a “leak” when we really need one. I hope someone in the attorney’s office had the guts to defy this illegal court order.

    And add Judge Kelly to the list.

  4. “Judge Timothy Kelly abruptly dismissed the jury. He informed jurors that he wanted “to press pause, as we sometimes do when an objection hits,” and reconvene the morning of March 9.”

    Legal speak for “How much will I get to stop this questioning?”


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