A Swamp Primer – IOTW Report

A Swamp Primer

Patriot Retort: Happy Saturday, all.

I don’t know about where you are, but it is a beautiful sunny day here in CNY. Not warm by any stretch. But cloudless and glorious nonetheless.

Two days in a row of sun this early in March is nothing short of a miracle around here. And after the crappy Lupus week I’ve had, this sunshine pouring into my office is a tonic.

Any old how.  I decided to do up a couple Photoshop images of two of my least favorite Swamp Creatures.

But before I do, I also wanted to share with you a segment from Larry O’Connor’s radio show yesterday.  It’s his interview with American Greatness writer Julie Kelly who, if you don’t know, has written some excellent articles on the actual Swamp Scandals – namely FISAgate, Schiff’s nefarious dirty dealings and the closet coup against our President.

Julie spends about fifteen minutes here giving O’Connor a brief, but helpful primer on the whole stinking Swamp scandal including the incestuous relationship between the DOJ and Fusion GPS, as well as the dirty hands of leaking Shifty Schiff.

Give it a listen.

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