A tale of two COVID economies: Red state recovery, blue state recession – IOTW Report

A tale of two COVID economies: Red state recovery, blue state recession

Just The News: In red states (those voting Republican for president in all four of the last four elections), the combined unemployment rate stood at 6.6%. Among blue states (those that voted Democrat in all of the last four for presidential elections), the figure was 10.5%

As Democratic candidates across the nation harp on the economic devastation they attribute to the Trump administration’s mishandled COVID response, a closer look at state by state unemployment data reveals something far different: a tale of two economies on starkly divergent paths out of crushing shutdown economics. In “red” states, economic recovery is in full roar. “Blue” states, meanwhile, lag far behind, still staggering under unemployment levels associated with the deepest recessions. Suspended somewhere between these two poles are politically mixed “purple” states muddling through with fittingly middling unemployment numbers.

Just the News reviewed  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment data by state for August (the latest data available). The national unemployment rate — which now stands at 7.9% — was 8.4% in August. However, the economic pain represented by that number was not spread evenly across red, blue and purple states — far from it. Fueled by broader, faster economic reopenings following the initial coronavirus crash, conservative-leaning red states are by and large far outpacing liberal-leaning blue states in terms of putting people back to work.

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7 Comments on A tale of two COVID economies: Red state recovery, blue state recession

  1. surprise surpise….now if we only had even a tiny bit honest media this would ensure Trump the easiest Re-Election ever….but alas, the Media IS the enemy of the people.

  2. …Democrats don’t trade in money with their serfs, they trade in hate.

    Democrats fuel hate, direct hate, and use hate to achieve and maintain power.

    Democrats have taught people to hate for generations.

    Hate knows no reason. Hate cares nothing for economics. Hate has no self-preservation instinct.

    Hate only wants an outlet.

    By any means necessary.

    And that’s why Democrats are successful.

    The coin they by loyalty with is hate.

    To their slaves,nothing else matters.


  3. The Illinois plan: Keep businesses shuttered. Divide the state into colored zones so there’s always a “dangerous” location as justification keeping everyone locked up. Introduce graduated taxes, as a fair tax, to make sure anyone making over $250k has more reason to leave the state (their taxes will increase at least 63%). Make “temporary, emergency tax” hikes permanent. Tack on the ability to raise income taxes at any time and without any limit when passing the graduated tax scheme. Refuse to renegotiate pensions. Be the only state to tap federal covid funding. Pay junk rated interest rates on loans. Cave to teacher unions, giving raises for not even holding school session. Raise gasoline tax. Make sure the average state citizen is as miserable as possible.

    When all that’s in place: Demand a federal bailout.

    Great place to live. Bring your kids.

  4. …keep in mind too as we watch Democrat marauders pillage their way through our major cities that this is actually a classic means of supporting your raiders in the field by letting them ‘live off the land’. This is generally meant as both payment and reward and is not limited to your ‘army’ feeding itself, but they can also steal whatever they don’t rape, and burn anything that they leave behind for their own amusement, with assurance that they will not be held accountable for ANY of it.

    Look at the willful lack of prosecutions at the state and local levels, interference with Federal enforcement efforts, and using the “police” to protect ONLY those same marauders in the field with a thin scum of legality.

    This type of license goes back to the Romans and has the added benefit of destroying your current objectives means to resist and thoroughly cowing those who know they are next, possibly to the point of preemptive surrender. It also encourages the most violent and most amoral to join your cause, raising the level of viciousness and therefore fear. Again, look at any burning city to see if this tracks.

    This, too, means that Democrats can keep their irregulars in the field as long as there’s something else to steal, at no cost to themselves. Whatever monetary needs they have are shifted to Federal taxpayers under the guise of COVID or other seemingly non-political relief,that itself is looted by corrupt politicians before any of their wards see a dime.

    It is no coincidence that both COVID and riots have taken the teeth out of the President not allowing Federal tax relief to cover high tax states anymore. Those states simply destroyed their tax base and got money from Federal taxpayers to cover it, so any effect us now negated and lost.

    This also drains Federal coffers. Money is power and the more they take from the President’s control, the less power he has. It forces him to shift funds from the military and may force him to raise Federal taxes, which would destroy HIM as surely as it did the HW Bush Presidency.

    None of this is an accident.

    This is well thought out, and coordinated between Democrats at all levels.

    So if you REALLY want to know when the Second Civil War started,

    It was with the election of the fraud Obama.

    …we just aren’t shooting BACK.

    Even all these years later.

    It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two, Master Warden,’ answered Éowyn. ‘And those who have not swords can still die upon them.
    J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

    Are WE dying on unanswered swords?

    …ask Lee Keltner that question.

    But he will not be able to answer.

    Because he was denied the right to truly draw his sword…


  5. During the vice presidential debate CamelToe Harris was claiming the Canada was doing much better proportionally with Covid cases than the USA.

    What Pence & No One else knows (for good reason) is that manufacturing up here in Canuckistan is at a virtual standstill. Almost all of our Auto manufacturing is still shut down.

    I Just bought & installed a few Carrier Commercial HVAC systems that were all made in the USA. We are slowly Idling along at a snails pace and the USA is still manufacturing in many regions.

    HVAC parts are also hard to come by.

    As of Today, several areas of Toronto are re-shutting down.

    My local grocery store is already starting to look quite sparse in the meat & vegetable departments. 3:30pm today

    If we were operating at near the proportional levels of the American economy we would actually be worse off than the USA.

    All things considered, you WILL come out of this FASTER than the rest of the world & be in a muck better position.

    Also of note, I have ONLY been buying US stocks as they are totally outperforming the Canuckistan Market.

    Thank You all, Remain strong. You are doing better than most of the world,the lefties just don’t know it yet or won’t admit it under Trump!


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