A Tasteless Meme? – IOTW Report

A Tasteless Meme?

h/t Maruchan.

32 Comments on A Tasteless Meme?

  1. Actually Five Guys on Chestnut St in Phila is one of the few reasonable places to eat in the whole city. There is a MacDonalds nearby on Walnut St but you have climb over some of the locals to walk in side and order whatever it is you want there. Five guys has kind of expensive fries but they are plentiful and the burgers are reliable as you watch them cook. this meme is less than pathetic, and should not even qualify as a ‘meme’ imho. And who wants a pic of some unfunny nerd eating a burger anyway?

  2. I didn’t know that they served cannibal burgers at 5 Guys. I love 5 Guys but I go there very rarely because I’m not 16 anymore and can’t eat really good fatty burgers and their French fries like I did when I was younger. One meal there would take care of all my calories and fat and sodium intake for an entire day.

  3. hey at least at this place you can see every step of the operation while your food is prepped…. unlike other FF places where you can only guess at what mommy-karen’s little SJW is doing to your food while out of your sight.

    Think Beavis & Butthead at burgerworld and you will know why I NEVER go to FF places…. never mind the outrageous prices they charge for lab-grown pink-slime “meat” filled with chemicals and preservatives.

  4. …there were probably no “guys” in it because the sun was down, and no human meat can be served after sunset, it’s the law of the cannibal and Jeffrey should have KNOWN that.

    Here’s why.

    …I remember reading once about two cannibal tribes of Papua New Gunea that constantly fought each other, but they weren’t cannibals in that they ate people routinely, but more as a matter of form for a victory celebration, because nothing says “You LOST!” like when the victors eat your dead.

    Anyway, on this particular night the battle went long, and it took awhile to roast the flesh to the desired tenderness, which required they let the fire die down to mostly coals to give the correct sear to the skin while still leaving the meat juicy and toothsome. Because of these things, when dinner was done, the sun was fully below the horizon and there was nothing but the glowing embers of the dying fire to cast a feeble glow over the hungry warriors as their triumphant Chief was ceremonally served first.

    True to tradition the Chief was offered the choicest cut, a forearm with wrist and hand still attached, wrapped in bannana leaves and done to a turn. The Chief accepted this, raised it to his salivating mouth, and bit hungrily into it near the wrist, digging into mucles and pulling on wiry tendons and fiberous sinews.

    Becasue of this, the dead man’s hand closed with a SNAP!, with the crispy fingers digging into his eyes and blinding him immediately and foerver.

    And ever SINCE then, no cannibal will eat at night. For safety reasons.

    …Because it’s too dark to see the HAND in front of your FACE.

  5. Tasteless?, all this time, thought that was the point.
    Good humour is always a little tasteless, thats why comedians can no longer be funny.
    Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, number one and two in the “tasteless” category, must be rolling in their graves,
    with Richard Prior lighting the way.
    Too soon? “Com’on man”, it’s been 15 years.

  6. Why did the cannibal want to join the Police force? Because he wanted to grill suspects. And a new take on an old cannibal joke, Why don’t cannibals like clowns and politicians? Because they not only taste funny but they smell and taste like crap. And my favorite religious cannibal joke, Why don’t cannibals eat Pentecostals? Because they keep throwing up their hands.

  7. …long as we’re here…

    …a missionary went to a forbidden island rumored to be populated by cannibals, and was quickly captured and brought before the Chief.

    The Chief said, “Let the gods decide his fate. I sentence him to Maiden Roulette!

    He was held in a bamboo box while suitable preparations were made and a fete was started, and he could hear the laughter and shouting of the excited natives.

    In due time, they brought him to a clearing where he was stripped, his hands tied, and stood next to a fire, where he was immediately encircled by the most beautiful, topless island women he had ever seen, who dropped to their knees around him and eyed him expectantly, as the natives laughed and pointed at both his obvious arousal and confusion.

    The Chief silenced his warriors, the spoke to the man.

    “You have one task, haole. You must choose one of these women without delay, walk to her without hesitation, and insert your manhood fully in her mouth”.

    The man couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What sort of torment was this supposed to be?

    But then he remembered the Chief called it “Maiden ROULETTE”.

    ‘What is the challenge, O Chief? What is the roulette?”

    The Chief then smiled broadly, revealing teeth sharpened by chewing on sugar cane, and replied, “Only ONE of them is not a cannibal”.

  8. Jeffrey’s mother was hosting a Pot-luck dinner. Jeffery of course was invited. He brought a casserole and an exquisite salad. During a lull in the conversation Jeffery’s mother opined Jeffrey needed to get a hobby and maybe meet a nice girl. She stated, I don’t like your friends, he responded, well just stick with the salad then.

  9. Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pies Special – today only are available for curbside pickup at Sweeney Todd’s Barber Shop.

    To memorialize Speaker Pelosi”s Privilege this “Special” is scheduled to become an annual event on the anniversary date of Queen Nancy’s visit to a now defunct hair saloon in San Francisco. A Special Day to not forget a Special Person in her own mind. For the complete authentic experience, do what Nancy did, be boozed-up when you arrive to arrive to pick up your Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pies. No mask required, or expected.

  10. OK Joey B’s missing just for that another cannibal joke, Two cannibals were sitting around eating their dinner and one said to the other “I hate my mother in law” to which the other cannibal said, “Shut up and quit complaining and just eat the noodles.”

  11. Two cheeseburgers, two cokes, one order of fries, and a handfull of “free” peanuts – $32.00. 5 GUYS and the rest of the pack can stick their burgers up their pipe. I make a better burger at home.


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