A tennis president has resigned in protest after this suspiciously tall, Adam’s apple-y athlete was allowed to compete against women – IOTW Report

A tennis president has resigned in protest after this suspiciously tall, Adam’s apple-y athlete was allowed to compete against women

We have to give major props to the people who are willing to walk the walk on this and not just talk the talk.

5 Comments on A tennis president has resigned in protest after this suspiciously tall, Adam’s apple-y athlete was allowed to compete against women

  1. I sure hope this woman is resigning out of principle or conscience and not because she thinks the USTA (United States Tennis Association) will back her, they won’t.

    The USTA is the most woke, race-centric organization you can imagine. Every top echelon officer is black, scholarships are only provided for those “of color” and their recruitment pushes have specific candidates in mind.

    Safe Play, a mandatory class required for all officials is riddled with DEI nonsense.

    They will make an example of this poor woman who dared to stand up and do the right thing.

  2. More women and men should support all-women’s sports.
    Oppose any and all transgenders participating in sports outside their Biological sex.

    Biological Males participate in male sports, Biological women participate in Women’s sports.

    More sports Directors, Associations, owners and advertisers should openly support Women’s sports for all biological females only.

    It pisses me off this must be said.
    If the sexually confused mentally ill wish to start their own association for perpetually confused transsexual sporting events, so be it, it’s a mostly free country.


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