CNS: On Oct. 3, 1789, America’s first president, George Washington, issued a proclamation declaring Nov. 26, 1789 as “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God….”
Below is the complete text of that proclamation:
By the President of the United States of America. a Proclamation.
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”
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We all have much to give thanks for as a country.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone at IOTW and don’t let the turkeys get you down.
Thank you Mr President. You were one tough SOB and it was an honor to serve under your command.
And, we are all grateful for your service to the country and setting the standard for term limits.
Col Glover.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING Everyone in IOTW! Tried something different this year, pomegranate preserves.
I am thankful for so many things, including IOTWReport.
BFH, I sent a token of my appreciation via pay-pal.
@ghost of brig gen j glover
I love pomegranates. Let us know how it turns out.
Woe to those who insist that we are not a Christian Nation. Were it not for the intervention of “Divine Providence” not once but many times during our founding the Revolution would have failed.
So not just today but every day, try to carry forward the spirit of our Founding, and be Thankful, as our first President was, for all we have received.
May we be worthy.
@F4UCorsair – well I have to say myself it turned out GREAT. I bought two pomegranates a MONTH ago when I saw a vid on how to properly cut one open. Always loved the juice taste and know it’s good for ya, but never knew how to cut it open properly!
I made the slight cuts and left in the fridge to slowly ripen. Then after a couple weeks was trying to figure out, gee what do I do with them! So, I follow the advice of the vid and they pulled apart perfectly. Put it in the freezer until yesterday and pulled it out.
Add the all the seeds of the two, place in large pot along with:
Honey – I would say a 1/3 cup
Two Clementines
Honey Crisp apple sliced
Brown sugar (tried not putting in white granulated) 1/4 cup
Cinnamon – two heavy dashes
All spice – two heavy dashes
Bring to a long boil and simmer with cover.
After a couple of hours, take out and strain in large colander or (strainer as I grew up)for the basic juice.
Take what is remaining after straining and put through a hand held ricer.
Take the juice and BOIL AGAIN until it starts to gel up (from the sugar that it burning away) but CONSTANTLY stir as not to burn the bottom, though this is the simmer stage and the flame should be LOW.
Two pomegranates yielded about 12oz of prime good quality jam, jelly, preserve, call it what you will, but served best at room temperature for spreading purposes with a peanut butter on white sammich. Definitely going to try that and will let ya know! I did have it with some vanilla ice cream and pumpkin pie tonight, it was something else, very happy with the results! But a few pits go through…
It will go great with yogurt and nuts in the mornings as well!
BTW, here is another reference to The General praying, at Valley Forge:
And it is documented down at Federal Hall in NYC as well.
Also IF you, or any in IOTW, are in NYC, go to Fraunces Tavern for lunch, I finally ‘made it there’ with the crew recently, as ‘Glover’ was not an attending farewell senior officer. It’s an amazing place.
Around two hundred and forty plus years ago this time, GW and Glover two were licking there wounds after the terrible defeat at the Battle of Fort Washington (they did not participate they WATCHED from across at Fort Constitution, imagine that) and then the long retreat through New Jersey (with Thomas Paine btw) over the Delaware River to Pa to re-group and plan for the Battle of Trenton to happen a month later…
Glover and Washington were born the same year and died two years apart.
Had a wonderful day today, hope the same for you all.