A Three-Hour Day – IOTW Report

A Three-Hour Day

StationGossip -Joe Biden Claims He’s Been “Working Around the Clock” to Pass His Agenda in New Video – But Official Calendar Shows He Actually Averaged 3 Hours a Day. Like Pravda, the Joe Biden regime released a video on Saturday claiming he’s been “working around the clock” to pass his radical Build Back Better agenda. more

14 Comments on A Three-Hour Day

  1. pResidential Salary: 400,000 + 50,000 for expenditures
    Avg hrs/day 3
    Avg. hrs/wk 18 (I’ll give him the benefit of doubt that he is inconvenienced by
    the duties of office at least 6 days a week)
    Avg. hrs./year 900

    What we pay FJB per hour to lie to us and phuck up our lives: $500.00/hr

    I don’t know about you but I certainly feel I am getting my money’s worth.

  2. I have mixed feelings about Dementia Joe’s short workweek. He’s made a complete mess of almost everything within sight pretending to work three hours a day. Just think what this stupid, diminished shell of the equally stupid, undiminished Joey Biden could accomplish if he was pretending to work ten hours a day. Around the Clocks Stupidity!

  3. What slow joe does is inconsequential.
    There are hundreds of communists working feverishly in the background to crush the WEST in the little time they have before the curtains fall.

  4. It doesn’t matter if he’s lucid 3 hours a day or 3 minutes. It’s obambi, his handlers and all the obama hangers on that are setting shit on fire. The one thing I find fault with Trump is he let these rats live on in washington where he should have burnt down the whole shebang.

  5. @Marco

    Good point.

    He does less damage when he is asleep, getting a diaper change, or eating ice cream.

    Poor bastages that washes his piss soaked sheets every morning.


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