A Trans YouTuber Who Raped His Own Disabled Mother To Be Jailed With Female Inmates – IOTW Report

A Trans YouTuber Who Raped His Own Disabled Mother To Be Jailed With Female Inmates

EnVolve: Transgender YouTuber Chris Chan has been sent to a women’s jail following the violent rape of his 79-year-old dementia-suffering mom.

The 39-year-old biological male, who says he now identifies as female, was arrested after leaked phone calls emerged in which he admitted to raping his elderly mother.

Chandler is being held in Central Virginia Regional Jail alongside 59 other female detainees. more

19 Comments on A Trans YouTuber Who Raped His Own Disabled Mother To Be Jailed With Female Inmates

  1. “What’s wrong with these people”?
    The answer to that lies in asking: “what is wrong with our society that allows sick, twisted perverts to have access to their prey”

  2. I saw video of this perverted freak doing the perp walk with the cops. He had a big smile on his face. No wonder. He knew he would be locked up with a whole host of future victims. He will have his pick of the cell block. What a sick, effed up world.

  3. I’ve had it. For every one of these nasty bullsh*t stories you post you need to post 10 puppies and kittens pictures. F*ck it. I’ll just take a break from this website for a while. Later.

  4. This is the saddest, sickest story I have seen. Yet.

    What was just a weird lonely kid in school was discovered by the internet and bullied and taunted throughout his maladjusted adulthood by a twisted mob that viewed his torment as entertainment. He should be placed in a psych ward but, oh wait, the mental institutions in Virginia aren’t taking new admissions because they’re so understaffed due to everything from offering workers unemployment benefits, to forcing people who want to work to take an experimental vaccine.

    This disturbed man and his long suffering mother are the collateral damage of our current culture and policies. We ain’t seen nothing yet…

  5. The rot in American has turned cancerous and needs to be cut out with a machete. I wonder just how much of the BS is going to be tolerated before some serious blood loss occurs.

  6. For your contemplation…

    They say “Ignorance is Bliss.” Well Let me suggest that if the general population was really exposed to what the some first responders, military and mental health workers have dealt with they would realize that perhaps not so much a rare occurrence.

    Answers the suicide rate though…

    Perhaps more common than a generation ago and will only get worse with what is taking place with children today!

  7. what I have to wonder: did people want to be like this when we grew up, but they kept a lid on it? or is wanting to be a freak show fruit bat a recent thing?


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