A Twilight Zone experience – IOTW Report

A Twilight Zone experience

Hope n’ Change ~couldn’t help having a Twilight Zone experience yesterday when, following a Fox News report that the FBI is 99% sure that up to five foreign intelligence services successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server and stole our classified secrets, we subsequently checked television, radio, print, and the Internet and found that the mainstream media is completely ignoring it.

Perhaps because the allegations – which certainly ring true – remain unsubstantiated outside of Fox News, and even they are starting to use a little weasel-wording about how solid the story might be.

Hope n’ Change believes Hillary’s private server was hacked, because it neatly explains the horrendous string of foreign policy failures our country suffered during and after her time as Secretary of State. Russia knew exactly how aggressive they could get, Iran had inside information about our nuclear negotiation strategies, ISIS knew with certainty what we were and weren’t willing to do, and on and on.  MORE

9 Comments on A Twilight Zone experience

  1. It would be a real blessing if the long list of accomplices would flee from America forever and go screw up some of our enemy’s countries. Not that you could actually downgrade a third world moslem shithole.

  2. Trust me Joe, the real funding is coming in from foreign sources. The media is bought and paid for. Newspapers are buggy whips used as the personal flashy bling of Bloomberg, Bezos, Henry, Slim, Buffett and the Networks, who got diluted in sea of cable channels, sold themselves out as well. Soros money as well as large amounts from China and the Middle East own them.

  3. @Am I right?: I forgot to set my alarm to get up and set my clocks back at 2 A.M. this morning. Damn! Now I have to wait until next year. I hate it when that happens.

  4. @The Rat Fink: What I don’t understand is why the government is still allowing Daylight Savings Time. I mean, don’t they realize that all that extra daylight HAS to be the cause of Global Warming? What a bunch of maroons.

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