A Visit From Nadler Claus – IOTW Report

A Visit From Nadler Claus

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

By Seamus Muldoon
(with apologies to Clement Moore)

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the House
Not a critter was stirring, not even a louse;
The Articles were filed in committee with care,
In hopes that Impeachment soon would be there;

The Democrats were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of quid pro quo danced in their heads;
And Nan with her Botox, and Schiff Pencil-neck,
Had just wrapped their heads ’round th’ impending train wreck,

Then on the South Lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
On my way to the stairs I threw on my trousers,
Turned on the computer and opened my browser.

The girl with the breasts on the news – CNN,
Gave a lustre of half-truth to objects within,
When before my own eyes, well how ’bout that,
Was a kangaroo court and 8 career diplomats,

7 Comments on A Visit From Nadler Claus

  1. You don’t have to worry about Nadler coming down the chimney….he would barely fit through a set of double doors.

    That’s a cheap shot but he’s a cheap piece of shit.

  2. How many hours have they sat on this now?
    Stick a fork in it. Epic fail.
    Nancy doesn’t have a plan for pulling out.
    Bottom line, if they don’t pass this to the Senate then technically the impeachment never happened. This sham is as real as Obama’s birth certificate.

  3. somebody needs to do a Lollypop Guild w/ Waddler, Shiff & Pelosi

    “We represent the House Impeachment Guild
    and in the name of the House Impeachment Guild
    we trample upon Constitution Land!”


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