A Walk Down Memory Lane With America’s Crazy Uncle – IOTW Report

A Walk Down Memory Lane With America’s Crazy Uncle

 In Honor of America’s most beloved former Vice President entering the race for the White House, DMF looks back and shares with you a few of our favorite memories of Joe..

4 Comments on A Walk Down Memory Lane With America’s Crazy Uncle

  1. You just know Joe tips a dollar on an eighty dollar meal.
    He is an ignorant narcissist that is far too dumb to realize what a moron he actually is.

    Any ignorant fuck that wants Joe as president should view the VP debates with Paul Ryan.
    Ryan should have bitch slapped the old goat.
    I guaranfuckingtee I would have.

  2. He makes a great punching bag and he rose above a crowded field of other contenders. This guy slips on a banana peel at every turn and if anyone can go through just a short list of his countless gaffs without blowing beer through your nose than you’re better than I.

    If he is their candidate then what Trump will do to him will be comedy gold.

  3. Don’t worry about Joe. He is being trotted out to round up the straying liberal white males to reassure them that the Party needs them to get rid of Orange Man. He will be a figurehead President. The real show will be managed offstage by the Progs.


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