A Warning To The Paste Eaters – IOTW Report

A Warning To The Paste Eaters

Do not, I repeat, Do not slap VapoRub on or in your business areas!

[That goes for you too, Gwyneth]

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23 Comments on A Warning To The Paste Eaters

  1. Don’t coroners put a gob under their noses while conducting postmortems? Here’s a hint to you ladies that would use this method. Try another approach, cleaning instead of trying to mask odors usually works. And quit eating paste.

  2. We SHOULD be getting smarter as a nation, not more stupid.

    In the ’70s, we never had to be told NOT to do stupid things because no one did stupid things. The worst I remember is someone idiot sticking his tongue on something super frozen and the school nurse had to come out and pour warm water on it until I was able to pull it off.

  3. The dumbest thing I ever did was put a bunch of butch wax in my hair when I was about 9 or 10 trying to slick my hair back. I used way too much and just ended up with very greasy slick hair. It made my hair slick enough so that my dad gave me a pig shave just so I couldn’t do that again. You old guys know what a pig shave is, it’s what we call a real, real short buzz cut now.

  4. Would put “Coaches Liniment” in the jocks of freshmen just before football practice. Add a little moisture via sweat and SHAZAM! your parts are burning.

    While known to be universally stupid, no freshman I knew would purposely do it to themselves. Of course their crotches never smelled like a tuna boat either.

  5. When my Father turned on the shower his feet were covered in bubbling draino. My Mother had put it in the drain but forgot to wash it down.
    The upside was it cured his athletes feet so he recommended to all his buddies.

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