A Week After Saying ‘Wear Two Masks’, Fauci Says It ‘Won’t Make A Difference’ – IOTW Report

A Week After Saying ‘Wear Two Masks’, Fauci Says It ‘Won’t Make A Difference’

Summit News:

Less than one week after advising Americans that wearing two or even three masks would be ‘more effective’ against the spread of coronavirus, Dr Fauci has done a complete 180 (again) and admitted that there is no data to suggest it will make any difference.

After Fauci made the comments last week, the media began to push the idea that two masks wasn’t enough, and that people need to wear three, or even four masks.

However, during an interview at the weekend, Fauci completely contradicted his own comments from the previous week. more

32 Comments on A Week After Saying ‘Wear Two Masks’, Fauci Says It ‘Won’t Make A Difference’

  1. This ‘man’ should be torn apart by wild dogs. I no longer listen to him. Benito Mussolini of the 21st century. What a miserable cocksucker. I despise this guy. He’s a snake.

  2. What’s Fauci’s first name, is it Richard?

    Because every time his name comes up somebody asks, ‘what’s that dick saying now?’

    And doesn’t he look like a dick?

  3. Assholes like fauci get off on brazen lying, and they really get off on having others excuse and amplify their lies. And since this particular asshole went against Trump, anything he says is god’s truth until he contradicts what he said, and then that becomes god’s truth acvording to the journos. It’s pretty obvious by now that fauci is just jerking their chains while jerking off.

  4. The CBC in Toronto just told us yesterday to wear 2 masks.
    Actually showed 2 Idiots putting them on the “proper” way.

    Tonight they will show us how to shove them up our asses.

  5. They’re rubbing our collective noses in it. They’re sending a crystal clear message that they will do as they damned well please and We the People can pound sand if we don’t like it. This behavior will only be tolerated for so long before good men decide to no longer stand by and do nothing.

  6. Trump must be laughing his ass off on some level.

    I know he is pissed off at the steal, but the “I Told You So…” are coming 2 or 3 times a day, every day.

    It is sad, but a tiny bit funny…, But Sad.

  7. ^^^^^^ Tom Brady is doing the same thing to the Patriots ^^^^

    He seems to be smiling a lot too.

    I wonder if Trump get an invite to the Game, Its Florida.

  8. This ASSHOLE, telling the rest of the world how to function and how to behave is like a meth induced monkey jumping up and down on an un-tuned piano trying feverishly to play Faerie’s Aire and Death Waltz.

  9. How does anyone who has a lick of common sense or logic believe any thing this over educated no practical expirence ass hat has to opine about. He has made a damn good living and career off of Goverment grants and political kiss ass. Exactly what has he been right about in all of this “Chinese Flu” mess!! (There I said it and “Epstine did’t kill him self”, and Pelosi is a dumb power hungry bitch)

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