A WH Presser I Actually Enjoyed – IOTW Report

A WH Presser I Actually Enjoyed

One more time, for the people who haven’t seen this yet.

RedState: Skepticism is building around the White House’s narrative regarding Ukraine and Russia, and that boiled over today during the press briefing at the US State Department. In a rare act of journalism, Matt Lee of the Associated Press excoriated State Department spokesman Ned Price in a must-see back and forth.

The issue at hand involved the Biden administration’s latest claims that Russia is spreading “misinformation” and seeking to commit a “false flag” attack to offer a pretext for war. While most reporters would have just accepted the government’s word as fact, Lee was having none of it. He lit into Price, comparing the claims to “crisis actors,” and describing them as “Alex Jones territory.” The full five minutes is worth the watch. more

11 Comments on A WH Presser I Actually Enjoyed

  1. Yes, he may be the last real journalist left in Washington, D.C., if you don’t include the esteemed Robert Woodward, who is still revising his 835 page account of the incompetence and corruption during the Osmidgen-Obiden years.

  2. If “Because I say so.” isn’t Truthy Science! enough, The United States will be down an admiral. A few governors. Speaker of The House. … It’s a very slippery slope.

  3. Don’t enjoy too much.

    Remember these people who are trying to start a war with Russia to cover their own evil actually DO have F-15s and nukes, and do NOT care how many die as long as THEY are safely bunkered up…

  4. Video? Pictures? Documents from Russia?
    Cuz I said so.

    This phony administration is sounding and acting more like a bunch of petty tyrant Marxists every day.
    Do not question our authoritae!

  5. Back to and possibly including the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, much of the “information” used to justify starting a war has been crap.

    “What evidence do you have?”

    “I just gave it to you.”

    “No, you just said that you had evidence. You didn’t give us any.”

    Maybe research shows that Peter Doocy is highly regarded by the American public so others are starting to try and be actual journalists. Either that or the Washington Press Corp is getting tired of being lied to then getting the flack for those lies.


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