ABC: Democrats and media will face a “reckoning” if Mueller finds no evidence of collusion – IOTW Report

ABC: Democrats and media will face a “reckoning” if Mueller finds no evidence of collusion

DC: Democrats and the media will face a “reckoning” if special counsel Robert Mueller finds no evidence of collusion involving the Trump campaign, ABC News’ Terry Moran argued in a panel discussion Sunday.

“How big a deal is it if they don’t find collusion for the president?” ABC “This Week” host Martha Raddatz asked Moran.

“Huge,” said Moran. “He’s cleared. If Robert Mueller comes back, Mueller became a folk hero in the United States.”

“The central and most serious question in this investigation, the reason Robert Mueller started it: Did the current president of the United States assist the Kremlin in an attack on our democracy? And if Mueller, after two years, comes back and says, ‘I don’t have the evidence to support that charge,’ that’s a reckoning,” he said. “That’s a reckoning for progressives and Democrats who hoped that Mueller would essentially erase the 2016 election. It’s a reckoning for the media. It’s a reckoning across the country if in fact after all this time there was no collusion.”  read more

6 Comments on ABC: Democrats and media will face a “reckoning” if Mueller finds no evidence of collusion

  1. How could there be no collusion when the democrats have told us countless times, for years, there is “clear evidence of collusion.” Why don’t they just present their clear evidence?

    Oh, that’s right, because democrats are lying sacks of shit who deal in projection. Yes, there is “clear evidence of collusion” with Russians – Within the democrat party!! Start with the shoe losing grandmother who sold off our uranium and the purple lipped cocksucker who was caught red handed on a hot mic.

  2. …the Muller “investigation” was designed primarily to collect and destroy evidence of treason among DEMOCRATS, including Mueller himself. One of the reasons they were so panicked by the Trump victory (cf. Hillay’s concerns about nooses) was that they were SO sure da fix was in that they hadn’t BOTHERED trying to be discrete or hiding anything, since it was supposed to be a co-conspirator taking over for the Indonesian. They invented this fairy tale in desperation, knowing that it would allow them to subpoena anything remotely Russian, INCLUDING Hillary’s OWN collusion with Russia and the Uranium One deal that they were ALL in, burn IT, threaten or discredit any potential witnesses, AND create confusion by accusing the President of doing what they, themselves had done. This made it impossible to turn it back on them where it BELONGED.

    …yes, they would have liked to impeach too, but it wasn’t the main goal. And it may still come off, as they had PLENTY of opportunities to leak stuff, real or imagined, against the President, and leave a bunch for Schiff to work with going forwards. Between sowing doubt in the LoFos and illegally seizing priviedged communications, they may yet get their wish on that, too. Impeachment is POLITICAL, so it doesn’t go by EVIDENCE, only by FEELZ. And Democrats know how to work feelz.

    So, its a gain for then regardless, and they may get more. And they can count on American Pravda to spin whatever Mueller DOES or does NOT say against the President either way. So don’t cry for the Democrats, whatever happens, it’s ALREADY a win.

    For THEM.

  3. There is a place called “Russia.”
    There is a place called “The United States of America.”
    There once was an alliance of what was called “The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” of which the aforesaid “Russia” was one of those “Republics” and “The United States of America” to destroy a place called “Germany.”

    Therefore, thus, and ipso facto, there was a collusion of interests of which Mr. (later President) Trump may, or may not, have taken advantage … of … uhh … at. Or not. But it isn’t necessary to be semantically or factually correct – only to be morally right – y’see? So, therefore, thus, and ipso facto the collusion that has been alleged isn’t even necessary to exist, but simply to be alleged to have, at one time, perhaps, to have sort of existed in the minds of the mentally ill or the psychotically deranged. There should be a way to get “paradigm,” “heuristic,” or “Anthropogenic” in here, somewhere …

    See how that works? Mueller be damned!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It will be a 15,000-page report with one page containing three coulda’ woulda’ shoulda’ anonymous sources. That one page will dominate the news for the next 6 years.

  5. Any human with a brain knew that
    Bill Clinton lied
    obama’s entire identity was a lie
    James Comey lied
    Jessie Smuglett lied
    the Media lies regularly
    Congress lies regularly.

    File the Mueller report beneath the Warren Commission Report. Much noise signifying nothing–the government is totally dishonest, has been for decades, and is FUBAR. Do you expect them to openly declare that?! Just pay your taxes, schlub.

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