ABC: DNC Email Leak Reveals Perks of Being Big Democratic Donor – IOTW Report

ABC: DNC Email Leak Reveals Perks of Being Big Democratic Donor

dnc big money donor perks


5 Comments on ABC: DNC Email Leak Reveals Perks of Being Big Democratic Donor

  1. Speaking of e-mails. Lets say she becomes POTUS and a Grucifer or a KBG agent or an Iraian agent or some Mafia thug lets her worshipness know he has all 30,000 e-mails and he is going to release them unless _________ (let your mind wonder). What does the dark lady do?

    Questions a DNC zombie or a MSM type can’t even begin to formulate.

  2. Same here, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ. I’m wondering, is ABC trying to switch sides, or are they just bashing Hillary because they like the flavor of Berniefag socialism better than Hillary bulldyke socialism?

  3. Those women in the background in the above picture [cover Hillary’s face so you don’t damage your eyes quite as badly] … they look like the kind of people you could expect to see at a satanic child sacrifice ritual. Look at that one with her hands clasped like she’s praying to the devil. Evil looking bitches. That one looks like another Hubbell daughter.

  4. We forget;

    – evil Hillary has always taken the most self-enriching route.
    – sucks at covering her butt.
    -she is like a Teflon pan; nothing sticks, but you get that brown sticky residue all over it, and it gets scratched to hell.
    -she knows exactly where all of the skeletons are, since she has been in the game so long
    -she will sell her grandchildren, to make a profit
    -she controls every aspect of her life, with an iron hand
    -she is the smartest, most experienced woman in the world
    WAIT, if the last is true, why didn’t she KNOW she compromised national security? Especially, given the evidence that she was told several times by several different people and departments NOT TO DO IT! Hmmm, makes you wonder; if that server in the bathroom was a direct route to selling secrets, no hacking necessary?

    I’d feel sorry for the carnivorous bitch, but every time she slips away on her spider web of corruption, it just makes the web more weak and the pile of bodies, and lies, and corruption WILL BREAK.
    Just hope I am alive when it does.

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