ABC Ignores Mississippi Dem Mike Espy’s Ties to African Despot on Trial for War Crimes – IOTW Report

ABC Ignores Mississippi Dem Mike Espy’s Ties to African Despot on Trial for War Crimes

Newsbusters: The final race of the 2018 midterms will be held next Tuesday in Mississippi between Republican favorite Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democrat Mike Espy. The liberal media have been desperately trying to turn the tide by smearing Hyde-Smith with charges of racism over mostly innocuous things. And they’ve been turning a blind eye Espy’s ties to an African despot on trial for war crimes in the International Criminal Court, and the $750,000 Espy cashed in from him. Wednesday evening was ABC’s turn.

As reported last week, “A Democratic Senate hopeful in Mississippi cashed in $750,000 after lobbying on behalf of an African despot currently on trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court.

It was a lobbying contract Espy had lied about for a long time. MORE

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