ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assault – IOTW Report

ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assault

An ABC News reporter who bragged about ‘debunking’ evidence of an elite pedophile ring had pleaded guilty to a sickening array of child sex crimes, according to reports.

James Gordon Meek, 53, who served as a national security journalist at ABC, is scheduled to appear in a Virginia federal court on Friday following his January 2023 indictment on child rape charges. He faces up to 20 years behind bars.

11 Comments on ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assault

  1. Another thing that is happening with these pedos, is they are now using AI to create child porn.
    This has been making it hard for law enforcement to tell who is a real victim that needs to be located/rescued and who is a “fake”.
    Personally, I would rather see this guy buried under the prison, rather than have taxpayers support his worthless ass for the next (potentially) 20 years.

  2. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.

    It is a function of progressivism/Marxism which ICYMI are just euphemisms and a front for Satanism.

    Topic-by-topic timestamps:
    General Introduction: 00:00:00
    Phenomena caused by Diabolical Narcissism: 00:03:11
    Defining Diabolical Narcissism: 00:08:10
    Mainstream psychology description of Diabolical Narcissism: 00:13:49
    Two types of Diabolical Narcissism – Somatic and Cerebral: SOMATIC: 00:16:25
    Two types of Diabolical Narcissism – Somatic and Cerebral: CEREBRAL: 00:19:47
    Key Traits of Diabolical Narcissists: 00:25:01
    Diabolical Narcissists are devoid of empathy: 00:37:40
    More Key Traits of Diabolical Narcissists: 00:40:51
    Projection & Gaslighting: 00:45:46
    Adding the missing piece: THE SUPERNATURAL ASPECT: 00:53:01
    Psychology: making excuses for evil: 00:53:51
    The events of the fall of satan and the demons: 01:03:35
    Diabolical Narcissists are analogues of demons – Hell’s Mercenaries: 01:07:04
    1 Corinthians 13: I AM NOTHING: 01:10:11
    Diabolical Narcissists hunt souls – grooming phase and devaluation (attack) phase: 01:12:07
    SCANDAL: Diabolical Narcissism is contagious and Vampiric: 01:13:30
    Children as prime targets: 01:15:58
    Diabolical Narcissists are NOT possessed: 01:16:41
    Diabolical Narcissists need not believe in God, hell, or have any awareness of their soul-killing nature: 01:20:46
    3 things that make a person a target for a Diabolical Narcissist’s rage: 01:21:58
    Sexuality vis-a-vis the clergy and religious: 01:34:26
    ALPHA AND BETA Diabolical Narcissism Social Structures: 01:38:52
    Hag fags and their fag hags: 01:43:42
    AESTHETICS: Diabolical Narcissists have no independent taste 01:45:36
    Youth, education and academia and Diabolical Narcissism: 01:54:14
    Marxism/Liberalism: Political Diabolical Narcissism: 01:58:34
    Feminism: Making women into Diabolical Narcissists: 02:01:58
    ISLAM: Pure Diabolical Narcissism: 02:04:53
    Other Diabolical Narcissist paradigms of note: 02:08:40
    Diabolical Narcissism in MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT 02:11:01
    Diabolical Narcissism in Finance & Big Pharma: 02:17:39
    Diabolical Narcissism in The Catholic Church: 02:18:40
    The vice of EFFEMINACY as “bush league” Diabolical Narcissism: 02:28:28
    So what do we do about Diabolical Narcissism? 02:31:47
    Is there hope for Diabolical Narcissists? 02:41:58
    Conclusion: 02:47:55

  3. What the hell is wrong in this country when a person rapes a child is only given 20 years? Pedophiles should be given death and it shouldn’t take 20 years to carry it out.
    Death Penalty should be just that, they should only be allowed two appeals max, one at the state level, whether that is an appeals court or State Supreme Court and one to SCOTUS.

    Ironic I just saw a meme with Gary Plauché’s photo in the airport with the words “This is what happens in a small town!”


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