ABC News: Trump’s Executive Order Could Mean Deportation for 11 Million Illegals – IOTW Report

ABC News: Trump’s Executive Order Could Mean Deportation for 11 Million Illegals


ABC News reports that the illegal immigrant population in the United States could face deportation as a result of the executive order President Donald Trump signed on Wednesday, according to legal experts.A 2014 Pew Research Center study estimated the number of illegals in the U.S. to be at least 11 million.


SNIP: What an eye-roller. How long are we going to toss around this fake ’11 million illegal aliens’ number?

19 Comments on ABC News: Trump’s Executive Order Could Mean Deportation for 11 Million Illegals

  1. ” as a result of the executive order President Donald Trump signed on Wednesday”

    The one that cancels the obooma eo that cancelled that old habit of following existing law?

  2. The Press needs to be reminded that the Illegal Immigrants were still Illegal under the existing law, even before Trump signed an Exec Order. Just like the Press needs to be reminded that the Secure Border Fence Act of (I think) 2006 made completion of the Fence Federal Law since, like, 2006. Now the fence completion will be funded.

  3. There are at least twenty million illegal aliens in our country. That lower number is more than fifteen years old. But, expelling eleven million would be a damn good start.

  4. Then time to start working on the un-assimilated population. No deportation for them, just classes in manners and civility. Kind of like charm school for wild animals.

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