ABC White House Reporter Claims Alec Baldwin Said He Hoped She ‘Choked to Death’ – IOTW Report

ABC White House Reporter Claims Alec Baldwin Said He Hoped She ‘Choked to Death’

Breitbart: ABC News White House correspondent Tara Palmeri claims that comedian Alec Baldwin once told her how he hoped she would “choke to death” while she was working as a tabloid reporter in New York City.

“Alec Baldwin also told me ‘I hope you choke to death’ when I was on assignment, staking out his house,” Palmeri wrote on Twitter, hours after Baldwin was arrested for allegedly punching a person in New York City.

The run-in reportedly took place back in 2013 after Palmeri attempted to glean information about a lawsuit Baldwin had filed against his ex-wife, alleging that Baldwin grabbed her arm and threatened her. She later presented an audio recording of the incident to the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

Palmieri made the allegation in response to a story by New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, who accused Baldwin of inciting a harassment campaign against her because of a negative story she wrote about one of his fundraisers.

“Baldwin was the first person I ever experienced being blocked by on Twitter, after he used his account with hundreds of thousands of followers to berate me for… writing about a fundraiser he’d hosted in a way he didn’t find satisfactory,” Haberman said.

In a statement on Friday, the 60-year-old denied that he had punched the man over a parking spot, accusing the media of “egregiously” misstating the story for the “purposes of clickbait.”  more here

13 Comments on ABC White House Reporter Claims Alec Baldwin Said He Hoped She ‘Choked to Death’

  1. Eventually Baldwin will be Curb Stomped by a midget on steroids with a Thyroid problem, but jeez lady, if I had someone spying on me I’d help you choke. Go find a respectable job.

  2. He’s just an amateur – For eight years I went to bed every night hoping that when I got in my car in the morning and turned on the radio that I would hear that Hussein Obama had choked to death on a cock during the night.

  3. I agree with BB…nobody ever accused me of being an Alec Baldwin fan, but if someone was STAKING OUT MY HOUSE, I’d be wishing for them to die, too.

    It’s amazing to me how this Palmeri slug can’t see the absolute absurdity of her statement.

  4. Geezuz, how does a tabloid reporter go from hiding in bushes to White House Correspondent? I guess the steps to promotion are a little different if you work at ABC. And are a girl.

  5. On the other hand, if I was a news editor, I would probably assign someone to stake out Baldwin’s house too; the guy is a violent psychopath, who frequently goes apeshit. And that is newsworthy, if for no other reason than public safety.

  6. “I hope you choke to death” is the intellectual equivalent of “You’re a poo-poo head.”

    It means nothing, other than that it’s a disparaging comment.

    “Hope, Alec? Hope in one hand – sh__ in the other. Then shove the contents of each into your mouth and see which is more filling.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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